
Black Walnuts #775788

Asked October 19, 2021, 10:11 AM EDT

Most articles I have read say to cure black walnuts out of direct sunlight. Why would you not want to cure them in direct sunlight?

Jackson County Ohio

Expert Response

You are correct about the recommendation to cure black walnuts in a dry, cool place out of direct sunshine. However, I cannot find a reference why this is so. 

I believe, having cured walnuts before, that this is because you want the walnuts to slowly lose moisture content over the two-week period.

Curing prepares the walnuts for storage and allows the flavor to develop. When the nut is dry enough to store, its kernel will break crisply, with a sharp snap. If cured improperly, nuts will mold.

All the best, Roxanne

An Ask Extension Expert Replied October 19, 2021, 12:01 PM EDT

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