
Making a grass-covered area more natural #775659

Asked October 18, 2021, 9:11 AM EDT

In our neighborhood in Arnold, we have a hillside (about 50 by 100 ft) that we would like to transition from grass (that is mowed) to more natural plantings such as wildflowers, perennial plantings, shrubs, etc.) Do you have any no-cost of low-cost services available where someone could visit the site and give us advice? This hillside is located above a retention (run-off) pond. Thank you. PS - Please let me know if sending you pictures will be helpful.

Anne Arundel County Maryland

Expert Response

You can look into contacting the Watershed Stewards Academy in Anne Arundel County for assistance. Anne Arundel County also offers a tax credit program to support practices that proactively and sustainably manage runoff for eligible property owners.  You can find more information about that program here:

Lastly, professional advice and services offered by landscape contractors with training in stormwater management may be an option. The Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professionals has a list of certified landscapers who are trained in dealing with stormwater management issues and planting native plants.


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