
Apple tree problems #774567

Asked October 07, 2021, 5:11 PM EDT

I planted this "Johnny Appleseed" tree earlier this year. I have 3 Questions. The tree has several dead looking branches, dead leaves and fuzzy growth on bark. 1. How far back and when should I prune the branches? 2. What is causing the leaves and branches to die? 3. What is the fuzzy pale green growth and what can I do to prevent it? Thank you for your assistance. Best regards,

Montgomery County Maryland

Expert Response

Hi- your tree is infested with wooly apple aphids. This is a significant pest that also feeds on roots and can weaken unprotected trees.

The under-sized, off-color leaves, and branch dieback also suggest a general failure to establish due possibly to poor site or plant conditions. Apple trees are vulnerable to a host of insect pest, mite, and disease problems. Based on the tree's current condition and the challenge of controlling wooly apple aphid you may want to consider removing the tree.

Alternately, you could spray the tree with a dormant oil spray now to control live aphids- don't worry about spray injury to the remaining leaves since they will be dropping soon. The waxy coating they produce makes insecticide control more difficult.

And then assess the tree in spring. It may leaf out in spring but lose its leaves quickly due to insufficient food reserves in the root system. If that occurs, it will not recover and should be removed.

Information on apples, including pruning:



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