
Fruit Orchard Issue's #773259

Asked September 27, 2021, 1:21 PM EDT

Hello, I am working on establishing a orchard on my property in Glenmoore PA. I planted about 30 new stone fruit trees this fall, and I purchased 12 of the trees from a bucks county grower. Many (if not all) of the trees from this grower are showing signs of issues. I was hoping to get advice / input on what to do since I just put them in the ground last weekend. On my plums and pluots I see cankers/galls/knots (what I believe to be black knot) see pictures attached. On the nectarines & peaches I see small wounds with sap coming out which may be bacterial gall. Please see pictures attached. I currently have none of these issues on my other trees, and ideally don’t want to be having these life long issues. Should I cut out the “black knot” this winter? Should I remove the nectarines & peach trees if they indeed have the bacterial gall? Many of these trees were next to each other and loaded on a UTV during planting. Any help is greatly appreciated, Thanks

Chester County Pennsylvania

Expert Response



I just received an Ask the Expert question that is out of my expertise. It is about diseases on fruit trees. I can’t answer this question. It could be forwarded to Jill or Gordon. I am not sure how to respond to the system. Thanks.




Susan Barton, PhD, SITES AP

Professor and Extension Specialist


140 Townsend Hall

University of Delaware

Newark, DE 19716

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From: Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2021 12:53 PM
To: Barton, Susan <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Question assigned to you (#0043190)


Hi Susan,

Question #0043190 has been assigned to you by Christy M.

Fruit Orchard Issue's

Hello, I am working on establishing a orchard on my property in Glenmoore PA. I planted about 30 new stone fruit trees this fall, and I purchased 12 of the trees from a bucks county grower. Many (if not all) of the trees from this grower are showing signs of issues. I was hoping to get advice / input on what to do since I just put them in the ground last weekend. On my plums and pluots I see cankers/galls/knots (what I believe to be black knot) see pictures attached. On the nectarines & peaches I see small wounds with sap coming out which may be bacterial gall. Please see pictures attached. I currently have none of these issues on my other trees, and ideally don’t want to be having these life long issues. Should I cut out the “black knot” this winter? Should I remove the nectarines & peach trees if they indeed have the bacterial gall? Many of these trees were next to each other and loaded on a UTV during planting. Any help is greatly appreciated, Thanks

From: Bruce Cava
Submitted: 09/27/2021 1:21 PM

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Susan Barton, PhD, SITES AP Replied September 29, 2021, 1:10 PM EDT

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