Lilac leaf #773161
Asked September 26, 2021, 4:53 PM EDT
Lake County Oregon
Expert Response
Hello and thanks for your question. Thanks for sending a helpful picture. The situation you describe is typical of phosphorus deficiency and should be an easy, but not immediate, fix. Check out this reference from University of FL with pictures of phosphorus deficiency on other shrubs and more information: ENH1098/EP362: Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms of Woody Ornamental Plants in South Florida (
A fertilizer with a high middle number, such as 5-10-5 or 5-20-10, would be helpful, or this time of year you could use one like "superphosphate" that has zero or very low Nitrogen (first number) since our plants aren't using nitrogen this time of year.
I hope you find this helpful!
Sincerely, Nicole