Black very little bitting bug x 2 years - Ask Extension
Can you please help me identify this. From spring to late late summer I am getting bitten by this little very small bug. It looks like black dot. But ...
Black very little bitting bug x 2 years #771269
Asked September 10, 2021, 5:10 AM EDT
Can you please help me identify this. From spring to late late summer I am getting bitten by this little very small bug. It looks like black dot. But close up it looks like a fly/ or mosquito maybe. It bits my bird and dogs as well. I have sprayed everything I know and have had others spray my home as well. Nobody knows what they are? Or if you know who I can reach out to would help as well. Thank you for any direction you can offer.
Travis County Texas
Expert Response
I believe what you have is a noseeum or a type of midge.