
Elm identification #770936

Asked September 06, 2021, 4:53 PM EDT

My friend says we have some elms growing in our backyard. We’re looking to identify which kind of elm. We believe they grew naturally as opposed to being planted. (The picture with the ivy is showing the bark)

Howard County Maryland

Expert Response

Hi Jocelyn,

From the shape of the leaves, rounded instead of pointed at the tips, I am inclined to think it may be Ulmus crassifolia or the Cedar Elm. Most of the elms have pointed tips and many have an unequal base, but yours appears to be rounded with an even base, and the Cedar Elm is only leaf that looks like yours. It may get corky wings along the stems as it gets older.  I looked it up in the Manual of Woody Landscape Plants by Michael Dirr.


An Ask Extension Expert Replied September 07, 2021, 6:56 PM EDT

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