
Weeds and Moss... Help! #769890

Asked August 30, 2021, 3:12 PM EDT

Hello, We have an area of our yard, some of it gets sun all day, and some of it has shade for part of the day. These weeds and moss grow in both places. (I attached pictures of the most common weeds in our yard.) The grass is sparse and not full in these areas. The pictures are from places that receive full sun. Attached is a picture of the soil test for this area that was just completed today. We moved in to this house last summer, so this is the first year where we have seen our yard for the full summer. Aside from fertilizing with the right amount of nutrients, we are wondering what else we can do to help our lawn be healthier. One thought I've had was aerating. The soil pH level doesn't seem to be low, so that eliminates lime that could be needed to help eliminate moss. I've read that compacted soil can bring lots of weeds and some moss to the yard. Would aerating help our lawn? The amount of organic matter in our yard seems to be good. Is that correct? I was thinking about doing some top dressing to our yard, but with the amount of organic matter already present in our soil, would this be necessary? If so, what is a good type of soil to use for top dressing our yard? We have been spending a lot of time going through and hand weeding our yard, and we have removed a good amount of the weeds and will continue to do so as they pop up. Applying a preemergence next year could help with this too. In the areas where we have removed as many weeds as we could, the grass is pretty sparse, so we were thinking of reseeding. We had been using Kentucky Bluegrass seed. We would aerate probably sometime within the next week, but would you think it would be smarter to lay seed in a couple weeks (and of course apply starter fertilizer as well), or to get the amount of recommended fertilizer into our yard after aerating and try to do dormant seeding in October or November? If we did dormant seeding, do we still apply starter fertilizer? These are a lot of questions, but we want to try to get our yard what it needs now (and continue that in the future) because we don't want to be putting in as much time and effort into pulling weeds next year as we did this year. Thanks for all your help, Kaitlyn Larson

Carver County Minnesota

Expert Response

Weeds and moss grow in a wide range of conditions.  From your pictures and your soil test, you may need a total lawn renovation.  First you could kill weeds this fall with a herbicide such as glyphosate.  Weeds are storing energy in the fall and readily take up herbicides.  A pre-emergent treatment in the early spring would be a good idea to kill weeds that seed, such as crabgrass.

The failure of the grass means that weeds take over.  Your pH is higher than ideal but still okay for grasses. You could add a sulfur treatment to bring the pH down a bit in the spring.  Sulfur needs warm ground and is best applied in spring.

It doesn’t look like there is a lot of thatch but the soil may also be compacted.  If so, aerating is a good practice.  Dormant seeding is an option.  For more details see the websites.






Mary, Master Gardener, Tree Care Advisor Replied September 02, 2021, 11:53 AM EDT

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