
Dawn Redwood cones #768322

Asked August 20, 2021, 2:19 PM EDT

I have a Dawn Redwood tree that is about 26 years old. Last spring, we found LOTS of cones on the ground, so this year I started looking for them, and the cones are on several branches of the tree now. I would love to harvest the seeds and grow some trees next Spring. Do you have any information about how to harvest the seeds? I'm willing to share some!

Kent County Michigan

Expert Response


What a fun project! To collect seed, pick up closed cones, or cones where the scales have not yet opened. Place the cones in a paper bad in a warm room and shake the bag each day. When the cones have dried enough to open up, the seeds will be heard moving around the bag when you shake it. 

Once you have the seeds from the cones, there are several options. One is to sow them in a baggie with vermiculite and place them into the refrigerator; another is to sow them directly into a container of soil then leave them outside in a protected location during the winter months. This article describes the options:

Perhaps try a few seeds in each method listed? 

Good luck on your adventure! Dawn redwood is a beautiful tree. 



Julie Crick Replied August 23, 2021, 9:29 AM EDT
Thank you for your suggestions...I will try both methods and check the website.  They are pretty cute cones!
On 08/23/2021 9:29 AM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied August 23, 2021, 11:32 AM EDT

Super cute little cones! If I didn't live on a sand box, I would try to grow some!!

Thank you,


Julie Crick Replied August 24, 2021, 8:30 AM EDT

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