Aster yellows disease? #768208
Asked August 19, 2021, 6:23 PM EDT
Frederick County Maryland
Expert Response
Additional photos of Echinacea with possible aster yellows
This type of symptom is produced by eriophyid mites that feed on the flower heads. They are very tiny (like specks of dust) so you will not see them easily, but their feeding causes this type of distortion. This is a very good article from Ohio State Extension with more information about the mites and the difference in symptoms compared to Aster Yellows. It does not look like your plants have Aster Yellows.
You can cut off and discard the flower heads that are showing the mite symptoms. The use of miticides is not recommended for this.
On Aug 20, 2021, at 10:17 AM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote: