
Fruit Tree Disease? #766982

Asked August 11, 2021, 6:14 PM EDT

Hi! I have a weeping peach in my front yard and a regular peach in my back. They both leafed out normal and are growing fruit but almost half of my weeping peach has turned brown, leaves are brown and baby fruit turned brown. I am now seeing a couple branches on the regular peach doing the same. Driving through the neighborhood I notice that some of the crab apple trees look the same. Would you be able to help me with this? I really hate to loose my beautiful weeping peach, or either at that. Many Thanks! Janene

Boulder County Colorado

Expert Response


Thank you for contacting us about your peach tree. You may want to try grafting -- but your tree is much more mature and larger than what is recommended for success after grafting.

From the pictures you sent, it looks like the tree broke off just above the previous graft; so you may want to make the surgical cuts farther up the trunk. Also, when you dig around the base to uncover the root stock, you need to check to make sure that the cut you make on the root stock is below any previous graft. (You also may want to consider using a different root stock.)

I've included a few videos to guide you through the process, if you are unfamiliar with the procedure. Also there are arborists who can do it for you.

If this is a common variety of peach or one that is readily available, I would suggest replacing the tree. If you can dig up the whole root ball you will need to get the stump ground. But it is always recommended to plant the new tree 6-10 ft away from the previous one. This is not always possible, but recommended.

Good luck with the repair or with a replacement!

John A

Colorado Master Gardeners Tree Team

An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 12, 2021, 1:03 PM EDT


Thank you for contacting us regarding your weeping peach tree.

The photo you sent was helpful but, to be absolutely sure of the diagnosis would you please photograph the damaged area of the trunk, any damage occurring on limbs and branches. Additionally, photos of your other tree would be very helpful. As would closeup photos of the leaves of both trees.

The photos will help confirm a diagnosis and we can proceed from there.

Please find Fact Sheet: 2.954 included in the body of this email.

Thank you for contacting "Ask An Expert" with your concerns.




Boulder County Master Gardener

Colorado State University


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Preventive Control for Cytospora Canker on Peach – 2.954

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by Jane E. Stewart1, Stephan T. Miller1, Ioannis S. Minas2,3 (9/18)

Quick Facts…

  • Common Cytospora canker infection sites include pruning cuts and freeze damage wounds.
  • Trees should be trained properly to avoid biotic and abiotic damages to tissue which serve as a point of Cytospora leucostoma infection.
  • Thiophanate-methyl, captan, and lime sulfur applied as sealant sprays on pruning wounds showed evidence of efficacy as preventive measures to Cytospora leucostoma infections.
  • Latex alone and in combination with thiophanatemethyl or captan showed efficacy during summer months, as did lime sulfur combined with kaolin clay.

Peach (Prunus persica) production in Colorado occurs in the western portion of the state, primarily in the Mesa, Delta, Montrose, and Montezuma counties. With high market value, the peach industry is Colorado’s most important fruit crop with a utilized production total of $30 million annually on an estimated 2,500 acres as of 2016 (USDA 2016). However, the geography and environmental conditions of western Colorado can be conducive to high stress conditions for peach tree growth, including spring frosts, alkaline soils, sun scald damage, and water deficit stress all leading to increased incidence of the opportunistic pathogen: Cytospora leucostoma (Sharp et al. 2011), the causal agent of Cytospora canker.

Cytospora Species Reported on Peach

Cytospora species have been reported on at least sixty genera of hardwood and conifer trees and pose a serious threat to tree fruit crops (Grove 1935). In peach production systems, three Cytospora species have been reported as the casual agents of Cytospora canker. Molecular studies show that Cytospora leucostoma (teleomorph: Leucostoma persoonii) to be the prevalent species in western Colorado (J.E. Stewart (pers.comm.)).

Cytospora Biology

Figure 1. Cytospora infected peach tree with flagging symptom.

Cytospora canker is described as an opportunistic pathogen, requiring a wound and stressed host for successful infection (Biggs 1989). Common sites of infection include pruning cuts and freeze damage wounds. As infection occurs, cankers will form near the wounding site and the fungus will initially colonize the bark and cambial tissues eventually extending into the vascular tissues (Biggs 1986). After the vascular tissues have been colonized, girdling of the xylem will lead to water stress, causing flagging and dieback symptoms in tree shoots (Figures 1 & 2 ). With time, the tree will decline in fruit and shoot production, eventually succumbing to the pathogen. Once the tree has died, Cytospora leucostomacontinues to live as a saprophyte in the non-living host tissues. Fruiting bodies are produced which can be identified as small dark protrusions on the surface of the infected areas on living and non-living tissues (Figure 3). Fruiting bodies produce inoculum usually in the form of conidial spore chains (cirrus) under moist conditions (Figure 4). In the saprophytic stage on non-living host tissue, inoculum is continuously produced, serving as a source for future infections. Though asexual spores are produced year around, it has been documented that the sexual stage of the fungus rarely occurs on peach trees (Adams et al. 2002).

Figure 2. Cytospora infected peach tree with dieback symptom.


Detection of a Cytospora leucostoma infections is possible through the identification of several symptoms. Common symptoms include tree branch flagging (Figure 1), tree canopy dieback (Figure 2), and excess tree gumming (also known as gummosis). The gummosis symptom is a tree response to tissue damage and can occur in response to both biotic and abiotic wounding events. While this response does not always indicate an infection is present, the vast majority of Cytospora infections in peach are associated with gummosis symptoms. To determine if Cytospora is the causal agent of a cankered area, fruiting bodies should be identified. Fruiting bodies will be present as small black protrusions on the surface of the woody tissue (Figures 3 & 4).


Figure 3. Cytospora leucostoma pycnidia fruiting bodies on peach branches.

This pathogen can cause multiple cankers that can cause the collapse of entire trees. If cankered, entire scaffolds can be girdled, which causes loss of fruit production and tree architecture over time (Figures 1 & 2). Cankers located on the crown of a tree can be pruned out, while cankers located on tree trunks can be extremely difficult to remove via canker surgeries, where cankers are excised from host tissue. Successful canker surgeries are difficult to complete because the fungus may be able to spread into the vascular tissue. A surgery that does not remove the entire infection will not be effective and determining the extent of mycelial spread in the vascular tissue can prove problematic. In addition, on a large production scale, canker surgeries are not economically feasible.

Figure 4. Cytospora leucostoma cirrus conidia chain.

Preventive Cultural Control Strategies

Given the epidemiology of Cytospora leucostomawhere cankers remain on the tree branches and trucks and produce spores year-round, an integrated pest management approach is crucial for decreased pathogen and inoculum incidence within an orchard. Management strategies should include methods of optimizing tree health as Cytospora is an opportunistic pathogen, taking advantage of stressed trees. Trees should be trained properly during their first seasons (Biggs 1989a), rodent and insect injury should be mitigated to avoid potential entry sites for Cytospora, sanitation should be thorough to avoid sources of field inoculum, and cold tolerant cultivars should be selected to avoid winter freeze damage (Biggs 1989b). Orchard pruning should take place during months with low relative humidity and low temperature averages, typically though late November – February, as such conditions are critical in avoiding high field inoculum loads from existing cankers. Pruning during seasons with high field inoculum (spores) can increase the risk of infection.

Preventive Chemical Control

In addition to preventive cultural control strategies, chemical management strategies should be used in an integrated pest management program to reduce Cytospora leucostoma infection rates in areas where the pathogen is considered a major limiting factor. Investigations conducted by Miller, Minas, and Stewart (Miller et al. 2018) at the Western Colorado Research Center found the following chemicals to be successful in field trials as preventive measures embedded in 50% latex or kaolin clay (Surround WP).

  • When chemicals were applied on freshly cut prune wounds, thiophanate-methyl, captan, and lime sulfur showed evidence of efficacy in shielding wounds from infections while copper hydroxide caused tree damage due to phytotoxicity (Table 1).
  • When thiophanate-methyl, captan, and lime sulfur were applied on freshly cut prune wounds as sealant sprays with 50% latex or kaolin clay (Surround WP), chemical efficacy was also observed.
  • Latex alone and in combination with thiophanate-methyl and captan showed signs of efficacy during the summer months as did lime sulfur combined with kaolin clay (Surround WP).
  • During the spring months, 50% latex combined with thiophanate-methyl or captan showed evidence of efficacy in reducing Cytospora infections.

Table 1. Chemical treatments used at label mid-rates to test fungal growth inhibition of Cytospora leucostoma.

Chemical nameProduct
Recommended Rate [per 757 L (200 gal.)]Applied Rate Production System
Thiophanate-methylTopsin-M450 – 680 g 570 gConventional
CaptanCaptan2.8 – 3.8 L 3.3 LConventional
Latex Latex Paint300 – 410 g340 gConventional
Copper HydroxideNuCop-WP3.6 – 9.1 kg 4.5 kgOMRI*, organic
29% Calcium polysulfideBSP Lime Sulfur75 – 91 L83 LOMRI, organic
Kaolin claySurround-WP4.5 kg 4.5 kgOMRI, organic
* Organic Materials Review Institute


Chemical management strategies should be used in an integrated pest management program to reduce Cytospora leucostoma infection rates in areas where the pathogen is considered a major limiting factor. Open field wounds made by pruning should be covered with thiophanate-methyl, captan, lime sulfur, or 50% latex combinations of thiophanate-methyl or captan to prevent immediate infections. For organic production systems, lime sulfur can be used as a method of wounded shoot protection. Pruned shoots should be covered within twenty-four hours to lower the possibility of infections on wounded sites. While labeled for preventive treatment of Cytospora, copper hydroxide should be avoided as a treatment as evidence of phytoxicity to tree tissue has been reported. Damaged tree tissue is more easily colonized by Cytospora leucostoma, therefore copper hydroxide treatments may increase damage by C. leucostoma.

Sources Cited:

Adams, G. C., Surve-Iyer, R. S., Iezzoni, A. F. 2002. Ribosomal DNA sequence divergence and group I introns within the Leucostoma species L. cinctum, L. persoonii, and L. parapersoonii sp. nov., ascomycetes that cause Cytospora canker of fruit trees. Mycologia, 94 (6): 947-967.

Biggs, A. R. 1986. Comparative anatomy and host response of two peach cultivars inoculated with Leucostoma cincta and L. persoonii. Phytopathology, 76: 905-12.

Biggs, A. R. 1989a. Effect of pruning technique on Leucostoma infection and callus formation over wounds in peach trees. Plant Disease. 73: 771-773.

Biggs, A. R. 1989b. Integrated approach to controlling Leucostoma canker of peach in Ontario. Plant Disease, 73(11): 869-874.

Grove, WB. 1935. British stem and leaf-fungi (Coelomycetes). Vol. 1. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Cambridge University Press. 488 p.

Hampson, M. C., Sinclair, W. A. 1973. Xylem dysfunction in peach caused by Cytospora leucostoma. Phytopathology, 63: 676-681.

Miller, S.T., Otto, K, Sterle, D., Minas, IS, Stewart, JE. 2019. Preventative fungicidal control of Cytospora leucostoma in peach orchards in Colorado. Plant Disease.

Sharp, R., Caspari, H., A. Atucha 2011. The cost of growing peaches in Western Colorado. Colorado State University Cooperative Extension.

United States Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service. 2016. Colorado Agricultural Statistics. USDA NASS Mountain Regional Office.

1Bioagricultural Sciences and Pest Management, Colorado State University, 2Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, 3Western Colorado Research Center, Colorado State University. 9/18.

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An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 12, 2021, 1:13 PM EDT
Hi Janene
So very sorry. I answered a different question and posted it to you by mistake.
Let me try again.
This has been an especially difficult year for both crabapples and peaches -- cherries too. Our erratic spring that was both wet and cold followed by exceptional heat, sun and wind have taken its toll on our fruit trees.
The weather was extremely conducive to fireblight. I am including the fact sheet here, along with another peach tree fungus - verticillium wilt that could be causing the problem. In these sheets it also recommends options for treatment.


Please disregard the grafting information -- and again I am sorry for my error.
John A

An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 12, 2021, 1:14 PM EDT

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