
Bizarre growth on cukes #766710

Asked August 10, 2021, 12:48 PM EDT

We sure aren't getting many cucumbers this year. We planted picklers and Straight 8s in sections on the outside of our A-frame trellises, and planted a few nasturtiums under the tent to discourage pests. Some vines are dying off, some are yellowing, and some have these weird and beautiful growths on the ends of the vines. They look almost like Aster Yellows. Please tell me we don't have that. We do have Common Milkweed nearby. Also catnip to deter pests. The newer cuke plants coming up look fine. Is all lost for my dreams of fermented dill gherkins this year?

Genesee County Michigan

Expert Response

Thanks for the question.

The yellowing/brown leaves are most likely a watering problem.  Too much or to little can show similar results.  Some of the green leaves seem to show some yellow spots developing.  Flip the leaf over and you may may see white spots of powdery mildew starting.  Potassium bicarbonate works well for this. Grayish purple fuzz may indicate downy mildew which will basically end your cucumber season. Dense groupings of flowers can indicate plant stress from the weather or disease; however, this looks normal.  Check out the following links:

I hope this helps.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 11, 2021, 9:31 AM EDT

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