
Rose of Sharon trees and one 9 year old Weeping Cherry Tree #766625

Asked August 09, 2021, 8:18 PM EDT

Hello. I've had most of my trees and bushes at this house for 9 to 13 years. This summer, the weeping cherry didn't get leaves. My Rose of Sharons (several) would get what looked like a tiny green bud that would turn into a leaf but the leaves didn't develop. Only a few branches developed leaves and no flowers on those trees when they should have flowered. I cut my large one down. I cut the weeping cherry since the branches were brittle. I did try spraying for pests with normal household plant insecticide spray. One little red rose of sharon does have a few branches with leaves. Is there something this year causing issues? I'm in Edwardsburg, Michigan right near the Indiana state line. I can get photos if that will help.

Cass County Michigan

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An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 10, 2021, 8:52 AM EDT
When I've downloaded photos in the past on aol, the photos change position so I hope they stay with the title to not confuse you. I'm showing the bush in question when healthy in the top two photos. Then, of the unhealthy double white and then of the younger double red bush. 
The same bush on the right when healthy ..jpg Photos of the 13 year old double white Rose of Sharon bush (on the right) when healthy in the last couple years.
showing same bush a year or two before this bad year.JPG When healthy, these are the blooms.
double all white blooming rose of sharon 5 ft tall 13 yr old large bush. Looked dead so I cut it back..JPGI cut it down to about a foot since all the branches were bare and brittle (no green inside the branches). These are how a few leaves appeared. They don't grow, they don't get larger, they are curled and unhealthy looking.
closer view of the double white rose of sharon 13 yr old large bush..JPG Closer view of the double white 13 year old larger bush after I cut it way back since it appeared dead. There are a few newer stems in the middle that sprang up this year that look more healthy..
shows one leaf top side.JPG showing a leaf top side picked and laid upon the cut branch
shows leaf bottom side.JPG bottom side of leaf
4 ft. rose of sharon.jpg This is a red rose of sharon that is about 14 ft away from the dead looking white Rose of Sharon bush. It has some leaves but doesn't look healthy like years before. No blooms.
Buds don't turn into leaves..JPG closer view or the double red Rose of Sharon branches. It is a smaller bush and age wise, is younger. 

Thank you kindly for viewing. 
Lin Oberling from Edwardsburg, Michigan in Cass County.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
To: Linda S. Oberling <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Tue, Aug 10, 2021 8:52 am
Subject: Re: Rose of Sharon trees and one 9 year old Weeping Cherry Tree (#0036556)

The Question Asker Replied August 10, 2021, 11:03 AM EDT

Hi Linda,

Both rose of sharon and weeping cherry can be susceptible to changes in soil moisture - both too wet and too dry. I'm not sure if you have a sprinkler system? Last year we experienced quite a drought in the summer months; the trees could have been stressed then, and then succumbed to the stress somewhat this year. 

When rose of sharon is dead, the inside tissue is discolored like in the pictures you sent. You may try to continue to trim them down until you reach tissue that is white? That indicates the tissue continues to live on. 

Too wet and/or too dry can cause issues with the root systems of both trees. You would know better than me the moisture conditions you've experienced over the last couple of years. The soil may also be a factor if it's clay (stays too wet or bakes dry) or sand (might stay too dry due as it is easily drained). 

If you have any follow up questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. 

Thank you,


Julie Crick Replied August 13, 2021, 10:09 AM EDT
Thank you kindly, Julie, for the response. I do not have a sprinkler and when it is dry, I pull a hose out to water them. Maybe,  over the last two years, they didn't get enough water. I had thought maybe nemotodes so I also put Sevin dust around the base of the trees but it was too late and they continued to go downhill. I appreciate you viewing the photos and sending a response. 
Lin Oberling

-----Original Message-----
From: Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
To: Linda S. Oberling <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Fri, Aug 13, 2021 10:09 am
Subject: Re: Rose of Sharon trees and one 9 year old Weeping Cherry Tree (#0036556)

The Question Asker Replied August 15, 2021, 7:50 PM EDT

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