
Wood Borer #766135

Asked August 06, 2021, 5:34 PM EDT

Pecan tree wood pile just started to get those large holes in the wood a week ago. The wood didn’t have any holes when the tree was cut down a month ago.

Sandusky County Ohio

Expert Response

This is indicative of an insect borer.  When the tree as cut down, the insect was in the larval or pupal state inside the tree.  The insect pupates and chews its way out to emerge as an adult.  There may be more pupae that have yet to emerge, so I'd recommend storing wood outside away from any structures.  Here is a factsheet for additional reference:,are%20evidence%20of%20their%20activity.



Jennifer Andon Replied August 11, 2021, 2:22 PM EDT

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