
Sticky White Spots on 2nd Year Redbud Tree (Ann Arbor, MI) #765882

Asked August 05, 2021, 11:36 AM EDT

Last year at our home in Ann Arbor, my husband and I planted a container-grown Redbud Tree and have been consistently watering it during dry spells. It looked healthy and thriving until yesterday when I noticed that the tree's trunk had small white sticky spots on it, and also quite a few leaves were dying and falling off. Could these spots be from a Treehopper insect? I found an article from Ohio State University stating that Treehoppers cause no appreciable harm to the tree hosts but my tree is definitely suffering. Please let me know your thoughts and recommendations. Thank you (Redacted personal information)

Washtenaw County Michigan

Expert Response

Hello Meredith

Yes, you are correct, this looks like the two-marked treehopper egg masses covered with the sticky white substance to protect them. At this stage they are not doing damage to the tree.

The complete article, with pictures, which I think you referenced, is here-

If you want to remove the spots, rub them off with a gloved hand, being careful not to damage the tree’s bark. More control information is here-

I can’t see the leaf damage clearly. Are there any insects on the leaves- especially on the backs of the leaves? Does irrigation hit the leaves such that they are remaining wet for several hours or overnight?

Please attach a picture of the whole tree, so I can see the whole canopy. Also attach a picture of several leaves showing the beginning of damage( still half green) laid out flat on a plain piece of paper, 2-3 face up and 2-3 face down. Take this close up picture in focus, and from about 5-6 inches away.

These additional pictures may help identify what else may be going on. Thank you.

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