
Seeking Tree advice #764763

Asked July 30, 2021, 10:12 AM EDT

I have a 20 year old "Autumn Blaze" maple tree in my front yard, that is dying due to chlorosis (all leaves yellow). We attempted for years to drill and add Fertilome, recommended by Fort Collins Nursery, and it is still dying. We will be cutting it down this Fall. I am looking for a medium size tree, that grows 30-40 feet "wide". I am thinking about replacing it with the "Sensation Boxelder Maple" (medium size tree and I like the Fall red color). Do you have an opinion on this tree, or have any other recommendations? Also, if you can send me a link to the most updated acceptable tree list in the Front Range (some I found on the Internet are fairly old sources), that would be great. Thank you!

Larimer County Colorado

Expert Response

Hi Teresa,

Sensation boxelder is a good choice. Others could be Autumn Brilliance serviceberry (a bit smaller than your 30 feet requirement), Autumn Splendor buckeye, Caddo sugar maple (known to do better in our soils), Texas red oak, or the Shumard oak. All will have reddish fall color, though some might be more browns/maroons.

Alison O'Connor, PhD Replied July 30, 2021, 1:03 PM EDT

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