
Cucumbers are turning brown #764453

Asked July 28, 2021, 4:22 PM EDT

After many years in the same garden without issue, last year my cucumbers suddenly developed brown appearing spots on the leaves. There would be many little cucumbers but they would stop growing and also turn brown and have a mushy feel to them. This year, I was careful to ensure I rotated crops, rotated soil and added nutrients to the soil. The cucumbers started out much better with lots of flowers and many cucumbers...when suddenly the same thing started to happen again. The stems would develop these strange white patches that would look like dry spots/scratches, the leaves would from small spots and then it would just spread from there. I have sprayed copper, potassium hydroxide and hydrogen peroxide in an effort to stop the spread of whatever this is. I have managed to salvage some cucumbers but any advice would be appreciated! Thank you!

Oakland County Michigan

Expert Response

Hi Catherine, thanks for the question.

After looking at the pictures and your description it is probably gummy stem blight.  The white lesions on the stem are a good indication. Check out the following links for more information and control methods:

I hope this helps.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 29, 2021, 8:15 AM EDT

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