White/yellow spots on parsley & tiny bugs - Ask Extension
I'm growing some herbs in pots at my kitchen bay window. My parsley developed small white spots all over the leaves. They are starting to look a lit...
White/yellow spots on parsley & tiny bugs #764410
Asked July 28, 2021, 1:47 PM EDT
I'm growing some herbs in pots at my kitchen bay window. My parsley developed small white spots all over the leaves. They are starting to look a little more yellow now than white. The plant is otherwise healthy and growing. I've noticed a few spots on the adjacent cilantro leaves, but not nearly as bad. Also, just in the past week, I have noticed these little bugs all over all the plants I have in the bay window. In previous years, I've had a problem with these bugs, but I don't know what they are or how to get rid of them. Are these two problems related? How do I get rid of the bugs? What are the white spots and are the herbs salvageable/safe to eat? Pictures attached. Thank you for your help!
Deschutes County Oregon
Expert Response
Hi Sandy, The insects look like they may be fungus gnats, but the photo is not clear enough for me to positively ID. They are common indoors where overwatering occurs. The leaves do show some signs of insect damage, again the photos are not showing enough I what I would need to see for a diagnosis. Adult fungus gnats do NOT cause plant damage, so if there is an insect, it is something else. Can you send a close-up of the underside of the leaf?
Fungus gnats info: http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn7448.html