
Poison Ivy #763890

Asked July 26, 2021, 8:42 AM EDT

I would like to know if this is poison ivy and how to manage it. Thank You!

Crawford County Michigan

Expert Response

This is a type of brambles, perhaps a wild blackberry or raspberry (Rubus spp.), not poison ivy. I'm not sure exactly which species as they are difficult to distinguish without flowers or fruit. 

If you want to get rid of it you can dig it up and discard it. Be sure to wear thick gloves (rubber palmed or leather) to avoid getting poked by the thorns. You will want to remove as much of the root as possible as the plants can spread through the root system. There are herbicide options too if you feel the population is too large to manage by physical removal. Just let me know and I can get you that information. You can respond here or direct to my email at <personal data hidden>

Last year my colleague and I can out with a bulletin on poison ivy identification and control. It has photos of the look alike species, like brambles. If this is of use, it is available for free download at

Erin Hill, PhD Replied July 26, 2021, 10:33 AM EDT

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