
Peony Problem #763437

Asked July 23, 2021, 10:14 AM EDT

Hi~ My peony has something that looks gray & powdery on it (pics attached). This plant is priceless to me (it's a transplant from my grandma's garden), and I'd love to treat & save it if possible. Thank you for any information you can send my way! :)

Hennepin County Minnesota

Expert Response

Thanks for the question.

In consultation with another Master Gardener, she provided the following answer:


The peony has powdery mildew and it is rarely serious. it does look much worse than it is. As long as the leaves don’t dry up, at the end of August cut it back to the ground and discard the diseased foliage in the yard waste or trash. It is also possible to use Neem oil or a homemade solution to reduce the mildew.


Thank you for bringing this question to us.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 25, 2021, 12:52 AM EDT

I purchased Neem Oil spray. How often should I apply it and how much should I spray on it?

Again, thank you for your help!

The Question Asker Replied August 07, 2021, 9:50 AM EDT

Thanks for your response.

There are mixing instructions on the containers of Neem Oil. Apply daily or every other day until you no longer see aphids on your peony leaves and stems. See the following for further information.:

Thanks for using this forum.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 08, 2021, 1:24 PM EDT

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