
Apple Tree #763313

Asked July 22, 2021, 5:20 PM EDT

I live in Silt. I have a Honey Crisp tree that the leaves are a little yellow this year. I have attached a photo. Any suggestions? I seem to recall that a lack of some mineral like boron can cause this. I fertilize every year in early spring with about a pint container of 20-10-5 granular fertilizer. Last year and earlier this spring I noticed some dead branches that looked like blight. I have been cutting them out when I see them and haven't seen any recently.

Garfield County Colorado

Expert Response


Iron chlorosis can cause leaves to yellow - the leave turns yellow but near the leaf veins stays green. New growth is typically affected the worst. Apply a foliar spray of chelated iron for fast relief or soil applied chelated iron for slower but longer relief. If the ends of the stems are dropping over like this and this, it could be fireblight. Here is more information on fireblight and how to manage it: Fireblight in Apples. There are other reasons leaves may turn yellow or necrotic as well (e.g. leaf scorch, drought), these sites have good information on other apple issues: Apple IssuesApple Leaves YellowingApple Pests.



Denyse Schrenker  Replied July 28, 2021, 3:05 PM EDT

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