
Sumac trees diseased and dying #762290

Asked July 17, 2021, 3:27 PM EDT

Every winter we cut back the trees. The new branches that grew this year are weak, limp and drooping. They are covered in dark splotches and dying. Not sure what it is or if it's something we can treat.  We've never had any problems in the many years we've had them.

Clay County Missouri

Expert Response

I’m sorry, but I don’t see anything wrong with your sumacs, though I will be able to  tell what species they are and what might be wrong if you send clearer photos. In general cutting sumacs back to the ground every year or two does make sense and should result in vigorous “new” plants coming back every year.

I got my BS and MS in forest ecology and forest management at Missouri and I am pretty sure I know what species you are talking about. Still, seeing better photos would help me figure out what is going on.

Mike Kuhns

Utah State University 

Extension Forester

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 18, 2021, 12:33 AM EDT

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