
Sugar Snap Peas Yellowing and Dying #762038

Asked July 15, 2021, 9:19 PM EDT

I planted sugar snap peas about mid June. They all sprouted fine and start growing, but a couple weeks after they've sprouted they start turning yellow at the bottom. They get about 8 hours of sun and I water them once per week (thunderstorms are on nature's schedule) for about an hour on a soaker hose. The earliest ones I planted (first picture) actually flowered and made one tiny pea, but I don't think it's going to survive. I dug up two to see if it was root rot, but the roots like fine [to my untrained eyes] (second picture). What else could it be? Is there any chance I can still save the crop? And if not for this year, how do I avoid it in the future?

Douglas County Colorado

Expert Response
Colorado Master Gardeners of Douglas County
I have included some information on watering and vegetables. If you have any other questions please let us know

On Mon, Jul 19, 2021 at 9:58 AM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

Hi Douglas County Master Gardeners,

Question #0031969 has been assigned to you by CSU E.

Sugar Snap Peas Yellowing and Dying

I planted sugar snap peas about mid June. They all sprouted fine and start growing, but a couple weeks after they've sprouted they start turning yellow at the bottom. They get about 8 hours of sun and I water them once per week (thunderstorms are on nature's schedule) for about an hour on a soaker hose. The earliest ones I planted (first picture) actually flowered and made one tiny pea, but I don't think it's going to survive. I dug up two to see if it was root rot, but the roots like fine [to my untrained eyes] (second picture). What else could it be? Is there any chance I can still save the crop? And if not for this year, how do I avoid it in the future?

From: Stephanie Holmes
Submitted: 07/15/2021 9:19 PM

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Kind Regards, Replied July 19, 2021, 5:24 PM EDT

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