
Is my maple tree dying? #762000

Asked July 15, 2021, 5:09 PM EDT

Heiio. A couple years ago the southeast corner of our maple tree turned yellow, dropped those leaves early. The next years that same thing. Getting leaves B4 rest of tree. The tree didn’t look healthy. This past spring we hired a service to “clean it up”. Not happy with results. Tree looks horrible, east side hardly any leaves, west side not bad. Lots of dead branches. Is there anything I can do? See enclosed picture. Hard to see, but hopefully you can enlarge. Judy

Nicollet County Minnesota

Expert Response

An in person visit by an arborist would be needed to provide a diagnosis. When one side of a tree is affected it is almost always   a root problem making an in person exam necessary.

How do I contact a arborist?Judt?

Judy Longstreet
When someone you love becomes a memory,
the memory becomes a treasure.

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On Jul 16, 2021, at 11:53 AM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied July 16, 2021, 9:58 PM EDT

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