
Korean Maple Died #761783

Asked July 14, 2021, 4:00 PM EDT

This Korean Maple was planted in spring 2018. It appeared healthy and the leaves turned a beautiful red each fall. We used a white plastic tree guard in the fall/winter to protect against rabbit damage. I don't recall any accidental damage to the trunk due to lawn mower or weed whip. The 3 pictures include the "baby picture" when it was planted and 2 from this spring showing the trunk damage. All photos are from approximately the same angle. I'd love to plant another Korean Maple this fall but want to know if it is likely to suffer the same fate? Thank you for any information you can provide.

Ramsey County Minnesota

Expert Response

Several factors may be at play here.  First maple trees have very thin bark that can develop frost cracks.  White plastic tree guards can help.

Second, mulch touching the tree with enough space below the tree guard can allow voles to get in and chew the bark.  Because the damage is lower, it is unlikely to be deer. 

Mulch should be at least 6-8” away from the trunk.  This will allow you to better anchor the tree guard.  You could also wrap the tree instead of the plastic.  See the first website below.

Third, there are tree diseases that result in lost bark.  The second website gives you ideas on what to look for.  

Given the extent of damage over a relatively short time (one season), I would suspect disease plays some part.  You can confirm that with a sample to the Plant disease clinic.  Call them to arrange that.




MaryKay, Master Gardener, Tree Care Advisor Replied July 14, 2021, 4:34 PM EDT

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