
Overseeding in Mid August - City of Jordan by Minnesota River #761412

Asked July 12, 2021, 10:45 PM EDT

Hi University of MN – Extension, My name is Miguel Salinas and I live at 639 Lodge Drive in Jordan, MN on a half acre corner lot. I am reaching out to you for advice and help with my lawn care. I am planning to overseed my lawn the weekend of Aug. 21st. Here is a brief history of my previous experience of overseeding: I bought my house in 2016 and it was a bank own property. The previous owners never took care of the property especially the lawn care and landscape. There were a lot of weeds, dandelions, etc and the grass was terrible. I have been slowly working in my lawn to get it in a better shape. I have overseed every Fall and Spring Season since 2019 with Kentucky Midnight Bluegrass and each time has been a challenge. When I overseed, I usually mow the grass at about 1-2 inches, collected the grass clippings, aerated, (and even dethatched in Spring of 2020 then overseed with Scott’s Starter For New Grass and use the Revive product). The grass looked okay but summer came and the grass looked terrible last year. I also hired a local lawn care company to add quarterly program lawn care applications – it has helped. I also have an irrigation sprinkler system and I have been using it during my overseeding projects. But my grass is not how I want it to be, especially during the summer. My entire neighborhood’s lawn looks terrible especially in the summer. After so many attempts of overseeding, I realized that the main reason is because we live next to the Minnesota River and we have super sandy soil! I also research with the University of Minnesota Extension Lawn Care specialist and other local lawn care companies for recommendations. One of my neighbors has an amazing lawn and he shared with me that he overseed with the Kentucky Midnight Bluegrass seed from SeedBarn in Florida around the early 2010s but what he did is tore up his entire lawn, added 1 inch top soil and overseed went he bought his house . So in the Fall of last year, I went through the same process but this time I added about 2-3 inches of top soil/compost soil mix to my entire yard haff acre lot. However, my stupid mistake was that I overseed after I aerate, then cover my seed with the 2-3 inches of top soil instead of adding it on top and raking in the seed ☹. I don’t think the new grass seed grow; however, my existing grass did grow strong and super green. There were quiet a few bare spots. This year in the first week April I tried to get a head started and overseed by hand the bared spots. I skipped the Spring Pre-Emergent application. I was literally on my knees; I loosen up the top soil and added grass new grass seed every bared spot by hand. Then I added Scott’s Starter Fertilizer using the seed spreader and even added peat moss. I water in a regular basis using my irrigation sprinkler system and sometimes with my garden hose. The new grass was finally growing but this year the summer came super fast in early May! There was a crazy heat in early May and no rain! My grass went brown (or as they say dormant) really fast even with my regular watering. I think my new grass died ☹. Also, the lawn/grown felt like cement so I researched online for recommendations to loosen up the soil especially since water was running off the soil when I was watering with the sprinkler system or garden hose. I came across a Ryan Knorr youtube video recommending the Liquid Aerating Soil Loosener and it did helped. I added the product two weeks ago right before a rain fall. With a few day of rain, watering with my sprinkler systems and just recently added a fertilizer, my grass is looking to be coming back see photos. I also don’t have much shade as you can see in the google maps and photos. The front house in google maps is my house in July 2019, but the corner and back side view is before I bought the house. I have the entire sun hitting my lawn basically all day, especially the back yard. I have added evergreen trees outside the fence by the Foxo-Boro. I also added three trees in the back yard by the side of my neighbor and 7 techny arborvitae tress between the existing pines tress in the very back yard, which by the way the pine trees are dying. See attached photos. Anyhow, I would like to overseed one last time in the weekend of Aug. 21st. I am planning to mow the grass at about 2 inches, collect grass clipping, aerate and use Scott’s Starter For New Grass . I also have some top soil/compost left over so I am going to add a sprinkle of this soil to the new grass seed after overseeding. I am looking for your help in finding the correct seed. I still love the Kentucky Midnight Bluegrass ( but I have the following questions: o After sharing my lawn care experience, wondering if you still recommend the Kentucky Midnight Bluegrass seed or should I get a general Bluegrass mix seed to help with my direct sun, sandy soil on my lawn during Spring, Summer and Fall- also to be a good combination with my existing Kentucky Midnight Blue grass seed? If so which grass seed do you recommend and where should I get it? o A local Home Depot employee from the lawn care dept recommended using the Vigoro Coated Grass Seed Sun and Shade Mix but I rather have good quality Blue Grass for full sun. o Do I also need to test my soil for Ph level even though I added about 2-3 inches of top soil/compost mix last Fall? Thank You.

Scott County Minnesota

Expert Response

Thank you for your question. We will try to help you. We would like to commend you for the detail in your question. It is obvious that you are serious about improving your turf. Some general observations:

1). Doing your over seeding around August 21st is a good target date. If you miss it by a week or so, no harm will be done.

2) It will be important to get soil analyses back before that time. For this reason, please submit two soil samples as soon as possible. One from your front yard and one from your back yard. Just get the standard analysis. This includes soil texture, organic content, nitrogen level, phosphate level, potassium level, and pH. I suspect that both analyses will come back indicating soil textures of “coarse”. This is true for most soils in your part of the state and reflects a relatively high percentage of sand. This will be a very important consideration in improving your turf. I don’t anticipate there will be a pH problem and it will probably be between 6.5 and 7.5. Still it will be good to check it out. Lastly, I anticipate your samples to have an organic content of between 4% and 6%. Knowing the current contents will determine how much additional compost, if any, you should add. See:

3). Although we will get into specifics later as to grass varieties, I think a mixture of blue grass and fescue will be best. Maybe 50% of each.

4). It is difficult to avoid browning of turf during the hot parts of summer. The turf is not dead but enters into a dormant stage. There is little that can be done to avoid it. Actually it is beneficial for your turf to do this. The goal should be to have green return during early September and have a green lawn in the spring.

5). Hold off on doing any aeration and/or fertilizing until after you receive your soil analyses. Normally the sequence of events is aeration, addition of soil if necessary, and then over seeding.

A few additional questions for you:

1), How important is it for you to have completely weed-free lawns?

2). Are you opposed to using chemical herbicides and/or fertilizers?

3). How heavy people/animal traffic do your yards receive?

4). Tell me more about your irrigation sprinkler system. Is it in both front and back yards?

If you have not already seen these sites, check them out: - :~:text=There are two times a,very best time to reseed. - :~:text=The preferred time for lawn,to turn green and grow.

This should be enough for now but get those soil samples in.

Thanks for using our forum.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 13, 2021, 1:17 AM EDT
Hi (Name?),

Thank You for the follow up. See my responses in blue below.

From: Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2021 12:17 AM
To: Miguel Salinas <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Overseeding in Mid August - City of Jordan by Minnesota River (#0031343)
The Question Asker Replied July 15, 2021, 11:05 PM EDT

Thanks for getting back to me.

Great that you got the soil samples sent off! Good work! Again in order to meet your August 21st goal, I have been thinking about the best kind of grass seed for your yards. I believe that the Midnight variety of Blue Grass is an excellent choice. I normally am not inclined towards blue grass seed unless there is sufficient sunlight. That seems to be the case for your yards. Its major advantage is that it can spread and form a rather dense mat. This means it can sustain a fair amount of foot traffic. Its disadvantage is that it requires an elevated amount of maintenance. Moreover, it needs a great deal of water and is one of the first grasses to go dormant in the summer. See: papers/article10/Snook, Tyler Lee/TS PAGE2.html

Because of its disadvantages, we need to mix another type of grass with it. The best choice would be some type of fescue. The primary advantage of fescue is that it’s tough. It greens up quickly in the spring and it is very drought resistant. It also does not need a lot of maintenance. Its major disadvantage is that it does not spread as quickly as blue grass nor does it have the rather majestic appearance that blue grass has. See:

By planting a mixture of midnight blue grass and a fescue they will nicely complement each other. I believe that tall fescue will be the best choice. At this time I am leaning towards a 1:1 mixture of these two types of grass to begin with. I think that in the past you may have ordered your grass seed. Perhaps you may want to call around Jordan and/or surrounding areas to see if both types of grass seed are available locally? Then if there is a need to order either or both, there would be time to do this before August 21st.

Thanks again for your response.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 16, 2021, 2:08 AM EDT

The Question Asker Replied July 16, 2021, 11:45 AM EDT
More photos
The Question Asker Replied July 16, 2021, 11:45 AM EDT
Good Morning!

I just called SeedBarn company ( where I purchased the Kentucky Midnight Blue Grass Seed in January 2021 and they gave me a full refund since the grass didnt take off this Spring mostly likely to the extreme drought. The grass did germinate and it was growing about 3/4 inch but with the heat drought either it died or went dormant. Anyhow, I am attaching the Kentucky Midnight Blue Grass Seed specifications - see attachment.

They also have Tall Fescue grass and they recommended the Kentucky 31 which is high popular mix with blue grass for its high tolerant heat resistance. 

I am thinking of buying the "Kentucky 31" 50 LB and maybe a 20 or 25 lb of the Kentucky Midnight Blue Grass seed again. 

I am sharing more photos of my current lawn. The back yard lost the worst. But it looks like it is recovering after a few rain falls we had. The section next to my neighborhood by the pool and under tree looks great....


From: Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Friday, July 16, 2021 1:08 AM
To: Miguel Salinas <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Overseeding in Mid August - City of Jordan by Minnesota River (#0031343)
The Question Asker Replied July 16, 2021, 11:45 AM EDT

Thanks for the response.  As I would have expected, your yard is greening up.  By this time next year, things should be even better.  The tall fescue will maintain the green even better than the blue grass.  These photos will be of great help in your reseeding process as they identify the areas towards which you will need to direct the greatest attention.

Thanks fo sending then.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 16, 2021, 1:49 PM EDT

Hi again,

With respect to buying grass seed, you should plan on sowing between 2.5 and 3 pounds of grass seed per 1000 square feet.  If a 1:1 ratio is used, this means between 1.25 and 1.5 pounds of blue grass per 1000 square feet and 1.25 and 1.5 pounds of tall fescue per 1000 square feet.

Good luck

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 16, 2021, 2:19 PM EDT

Two Questions:

1) I did a brief research on the "Kentucky 31" Tall Fescue grass and it is like 50/50 good bad reviews ( . Plus there are thousands of Tall Fescue type grass seeds. Which Tall Fescue grass seed type do you recommend to mix well with the Kentucky Midnight Blue Grass seed  for its dark green color and maintenance?

2) I called the SeedBarn company and ask why their "Kentucky 31" 50LB grass seed cost $135 (  vs Pennington "Kentucky 31"  ( which are available:

   Seed Barn said it could be for the following reasons:
  • Shipping cost
  • Quality of Seed. SeedBarn has a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. Just like they reimburse me from my Kentucky Midnight Blue Grass seed in Jan. 2021.
  • Certify Seed. They inspect the grass seed and provide a seed certification. See attachments.


From: Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Friday, July 16, 2021 1:19 PM
To: Miguel Salinas <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Overseeding in Mid August - City of Jordan by Minnesota River (#0031343)
The Question Asker Replied July 16, 2021, 5:29 PM EDT

Thanks for the response and pictures.

With respect to tall fescue, I’m not surprised that you found mixed reviews. Early varieties of tall fescue did not do well in Minnesota. More recent varieties, and this includes Kentucky 31, have done much better and this was the basis upon which I made my recommendation. I don’t know if I’ve sent you this link before or not but it is based upon experience with these later varieties:

I think that I will still stand by my recommendation of Kentucky 31 tall fescue. See the following which was just updated in April 2021:

As a volunteer Master Gardener of the University of Minnesota, I cannot recommend a particular brand of Kentucky 31 tall fescue nor a source from which you could purchase it. Those will have to be your own decisions.

I did make a call today to the Soil Testing Lab at the University. While it would not have been appropriate for me to ask about your samples, I did ask how fast they are processing samples. Based upon what was told to me, I think that you will be receiving your results sometime next week. Immediately upon receiving the reports, please take a picture of them and send to me.

Thanks again for your great cooperation.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 17, 2021, 12:21 AM EDT

Thank You for the follow up. I have to admit that I am getting very overwhelmed with trying to decide which is the best Tall Fescue Grass Seed type to add to my lawn. I did more research on the Ketuncky 31 tall fescue grass seed and although it is a good heat tolerant grass seed, but a lot of reviews were saying that its appearance (lime yellow color and its maintenance was not the greatest. I called SeedBarn again and asked for another recommendation since I am planning to buy the Kentucky Midnight Blue Grass seed again and mix it with a Tall Fescue grass seed.

They recommended their "Tall Fescue/BlueGrass Mix" ( which is 80% Titan Tall Fescue Grass seed and 20% Kentucky Bluegrass Mix (SeedRanch Kentuckly Bluegrass ( 

I looked online for Titan Tall Fescue Grass and again there are different types of "Titan" Tall Fescure grass. And no information on the SeedRanch Kentucky Bluegrass except the website Come on people!!!  

My goal is to find a Tall Fescue/Kentucky Bluegrass Certified Grass Seed mix that will do well and look good (dark green/thick/yet soft) with my Kentucky Midnight Bluegrass Seed and my sandy soil/full sand. Also subject to the soil test results. I am going to contact the local lawn care companies listed in the U of M Extension website:

I know you cant recommend a company or product, I really need a good recommendation for a Tall Fescue/Kentucky Bluegrass Mix Grass Seed. Also read all the links/websites/articles you shared before, great information but too overwhelming.

Thoughts on the Tall Fescue/Kentucky Bluegrass Mix Grass Seed ?

Thank You, 

Miguel Salinas

From: Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Friday, July 16, 2021 11:21 PM
To: Miguel Salinas <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Overseeding in Mid August - City of Jordan by Minnesota River (#0031343)
The Question Asker Replied July 19, 2021, 9:12 PM EDT

Thanks for getting back to me.

I can really sense your frustration so let me suggest something else with a slightly different approach. Why don’t you contact the Scott County University of Minnesota Extension Office? Ask what recommendations they might have regarding grass seed. Mention your issues about types of tall fescue. Generally they have folks on staff who are usually quite good. Give it a shot.

Please keep me informed.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 19, 2021, 11:46 PM EDT
Thank You so much. Please know I apprecited your tremendous help and support. I left of  voicemail to Kristi from U of M Scott County team you mentioned below. They are actually one mile away from where I live

Another question:
Last night I came across Youtube video from a lawn care company/individual call GCI I mentioned above ( and I was moved by his sincere and humble work for his lawn. And not to mentioned amazing results for the grass he is using.  I read a lot of good reviews of his grass seeds.

I am interested in the GCI Tall Fescue Grass Seeds. My final question is what are your thoughts on the GCI Turf Type Tall Fescue (  or the Tall Fescue /Kentucky Bluegrass mix ( for my sandy soil, full sun lawn and existing Kentucky Midnight BlueGrass? The site provides the types of Tall Fescue grass seeds.  I know you guys cannot recommend a product or source due to the nature of your volunteer support....I but I appreciate your guidance and direction.

Thank You!!!!!

From: Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2021 10:46 PM
To: Miguel Salinas <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Overseeding in Mid August - City of Jordan by Minnesota River (#0031343)
The Question Asker Replied July 20, 2021, 10:58 AM EDT

Please keep me informed about any help you get from the extension office.  Thanks

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 20, 2021, 11:50 AM EDT
Will Do. 

I know you guys cannot recommend a product or source, but can you look at this GCI Tall Fescue/Kentucky Bluegrass  grass seed mix and share with me your thoughts regarding the Tall Fescue types included? (specifically for the sandy soil, full sun)

Thank You!

From: Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 10:50 AM
To: Miguel Salinas <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Overseeding in Mid August - City of Jordan by Minnesota River (#0031343)
The Question Asker Replied July 20, 2021, 12:50 PM EDT

Please keep me informed about any help you get from the extension office.  The fescue/bluegrass mix looks very good.  I assume that you will then use this with additional Bluegrass Midnight seed.  If so, then we need to change our previous discussion of 1:1 fescue to midnight considering that there is 15% midnight seed in this mixture.  I would suggest 70% of this mixture and 30% of just Bluegrass Midnight.  Good luck as always.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 20, 2021, 3:43 PM EDT
Actually the "GCI Turf Cool Blue Turf Type Tall Fescue/Kentucky Bluegrass Grass Seed" 45 lb mix has the Midnight included - see link and info copied below. I still have like 5 pounds left of the 50lb  Kentucky Midnight Bluegrass seed I bought/used in Jan. 2021 .  So I was thinking of just buying the 45lb mix bag plus use the 5 pound Kentucky Midnight Bluegrass bag I have left for overseeding mid Aug. The  website instructions says to use about 3-8 lbs per 1,000 square feet and I have about 18,000 sq ft... I think I should be fine.

       3lb X 18,000 sq ft = 55 lb bag.
or   8lb X 18,000 sq ft = 144 lb bag(s) if I want to spend more money. This would mean buying 3 bags of the 45 lb.

THOR: (Tall fescue) Top-rated variety due to its excellent color, density, green-up, and disease resistance. Thor has shown resistance to Brown Patch and Pythium Blight. Thor has an exceptional dark green color, rated high in genetic and winter color. Aggressive tillering and excellent spring green-up makes it a great application for home lawns, parks, sod production, sports fields, and commercial properties

BLACK TAIL: (Tall fescue) This variety provides superior density throughout the growing season in all parts of the US due to its aggressive tillering ability which also helps repair damaged areas of turf. Black Tail is a solid overall performer in traffic stress trials, fine leaf texture, and brown patch resistance. Black Tail’s aggressive tillering characteristic contributes to its dense, lush canopy.

FALCON IV: (Tall fescue) Falcon IV is a new and improved, heat and disease resistant, tall fescue variety developed for superior turf quality across a wide area of adaptation. It is dark green in color, fine textured with excellent wear tolerance. Falcon IV exhibits a unique combination of traits including dense growth, improved turf quality, and resistance to brown patch. Falcon IV is endophyte-enhanced tall fescue.

MIDNIGHT: (KBG) A unique Kentucky Bluegrass cultivar that produces a dense, fine leaf turf with dark green color and superior disease resistance. It also provides a dark green color, fine to medium leaf texture, and excellent density during the growing season. Midnight mixes well with other Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial ryegrass, fine fescue, and tall fescue

How much seed to use?

Overseeding into an existing poor lawn: Six – eight (6-8) pounds per 1000 square feet.

Overseeding into an existing nice lawn: Three – six (3-6) pounds per 1000 square feet.

Seeding bare ground: Eight – ten (8 -10) pounds per 1000 square feet.

From: Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 2:43 PM
To: Miguel Salinas <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Overseeding in Mid August - City of Jordan by Minnesota River (#0031343)
The Question Asker Replied July 20, 2021, 4:28 PM EDT

What you just proposed.  I did note the inclusion of Midnight bluegrass in the mixture.  For some reason I was under the impression that you also wanted to use this mix plus additional bluegrass beyond what you had left over.

Carry on!!

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 20, 2021, 4:32 PM EDT

From: GCI Turf Academy <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 3:56 PM
To: <personal data hidden> <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: New message from Miguel A Salinas

Thank you for reaching out. As you have described it I think our Cool Blue blend of 85% Turf Type Tall Fescue and 15% Midnight Kentucky Bluegrass would be an excellent choice. Here is a link below:  Description gives some explanation to our seed varieties and use of.

Have you considered our Cool Season Lawn Care Guide? Here is a link I will share if you are interested and you can always email me and I will send you more information on it. If you purchase our seed, you can do that first, then get a code and purchase the guide at 50% off. Updates are free of charge also.  There is also a combo guide that includes the renovation guide and the lawn care guide with it if you are considering.

It does sound like you have a solid plan friend. This is not a sales pitch but just wanted to explain completely what we offer.

If you visit our YouTube channel and search we have done videos on just about everything lawn care related and also products.

Hope this helps and let me know if I didn’t clearly give you the information you are looking for, or if we can be of further help.

On Jul 20, 2021, at 10:19 AM, GCI Turf Academy <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

Hi! I just watch Pete's "What GRASS SEED is Best for You?" youtube video. Love IT!

My name is Miguel Salinas and I live at 639 Lodge Drive in Jordan, MN on a half acre corner lot (About 18,000 sq ft lawn). I am reaching out to you for advice and help with my lawn care. I am planning to overseed my lawn the weekend of Aug. 21st. Here is a brief history of my previous experience of overseeding:

I bought my house in 2016 and it was a bank own property. The previous owners never took care of the property especially the lawn care and landscape. There were a lot of weeds, dandelions, etc and the grass was terrible. I have been slowly working in my lawn to get it in a better shape. I have overseed every Fall and Spring Season since 2019 with Kentucky Midnight Bluegrass from online company SeedBarn ( and each time has been a challenge.

When I overseed, I usually mow the grass at about 1-2 inches, collected the grass clippings, aerated, (and even dethatched in Spring of 2020 then overseed with Scott’s Starter For New Grass and use the Revive product). The grass looked okay but summer came and the grass looked terrible last year. I also hired a local lawn care company to add quarterly program lawn care applications – it has helped. I also have an irrigation sprinkler system and I have been using it during my overseeding projects.

But my grass is not how I want it to be, especially during the summer. My entire neighborhood’s lawn looks terrible especially in the summer. After so many attempts of overseeding, I realized that the main reason is because we live next to the Minnesota River and we have super sandy soil! I also researched with the University of Minnesota Extension Lawn Care specialist and other local lawn care companies for recommendations. One of my neighbors has an amazing lawn and he shared with me that he overseed with the Kentucky Midnight Bluegrass seed from SeedBarn in Florida around the early 2010s but what he did is tore up his entire lawn, added 1 inch top soil and overseed went he bought his house . So in the Fall of last year, I went through the same process but this time I added about 2-3 inches of top soil/compost soil mix to my entire yard haff acre lot. However, my stupid mistake was that I overseed after I aerate, then cover my seed with the 2-3 inches of top soil instead of adding it on top and raking in the seed . I don’t think the new grass seed grow; however, my existing grass did grow strong and super green. There were quiet a few bare spots.

This year in the first week April I tried to get a head started and overseed by hand the bared spots. I skipped the Spring Pre-Emergent application. I was literally on my knees; I loosen up the top soil and added grass new grass seed every bared spot by hand. Then I added Scott’s Starter Fertilizer using the seed spreader and even added peat moss. I water in a regular basis using my irrigation sprinkler system and sometimes with my garden hose. The new grass was finally growing but this year the summer came super fast in early May! There was a crazy heat in early May and no rain! My grass went brown (or as they say dormant) really fast even with my regular watering. I think my new grass died .

Also, the lawn/grown felt like cement so I researched online for recommendations to loosen up the soil especially since water was running off the soil when I was watering with the sprinkler system or garden hose. I came across a Ryan Knorr youtube video recommending the Liquid Aerating Soil Loosener and it did helped. I added the product a month ago right before a rain fall. With a few day of rain, watering with my sprinkler systems and just recently added a fertilizer, my grass is looking to be coming back see photos.

I also don’t have much shade as you can see in the google maps. The front house in google maps is my house in July 2019, but the corner and back side view is before I bought the house. I have the entire sun hitting my lawn basically all day. I have added evergreen trees outside the fence by the Foxo-Boro. I also added three trees in the back yard by the side of my neighbor and 7 techny arborvitae tress between the existing pines tress in the very back yard, which by the way the pine trees are dying.

Anyhow, I would like to overseed one last time in the weekend of Aug. 21st. I am planning to mow the grass at about 2 inches, collect grass clipping, aerate and with the Scott’s Starter For New Grass . I also have some top soil/compost left over so I am going to add a sprinkle of this soil to the new grass seed after overseeding. I am looking for your help in finding the correct seed. I still love the Kentucky Midnight Bluegrass but I have the following questions:

* After sharing my lawn care experience, wondering if you still recommend the Kentucky Midnight Bluegrass seed or should I get a general Bluegrass mix seed to help with my direct sun on my lawn during Spring, Summer and Fall?

* Maybe the Kentucky Midnight Bluegrass from the SeedBarn Company in Florida is not the same quality and provide the same great result as your Kentucky Midnight Blue Grass seed? I can provide the Kentucky Midnight Bluegrass seed specification from the Seed Barn company.

* A local Home Depot employee from the lawn care dept recommended using the Vigoro Coated Grass Seed Sun and Shade Mix but I rather have good quality Blue Grass for full sun.

I also reached out to the local University of Minnesota Extension office and explained my above lawn care experience. I sent them a two soil samples from my back yard and front yard - I am still waiting on results. But they recommend to use a Tall Fescue Grass Seed to mix my existing Kentucky Midnight Bluegrass to help with the summer since Tall Fescue Grass are very heat tolerant and do well in sandy soil with full sun. Seed Barn company recommended the Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue and I researched online this seed and it was a mix reviews. So I was not convinced. Plus there are so many different type of Tall Fescue Grass seeds - it is overwhelming. They also sell a Tall Fescue/Kentucky Bluegrass mix but there is hardly any information on the grass seeds (

So last night I came across Pete's youtube video I mentioned above (I have seen other video's of Pete) and I was moved by his sincere and humble work for his lawn. And not to mentioned amazing results for the grass he is using.

My final question is do you recommend your GCI Turf Type Tall Tall Fescue or the Tall Fescue /Kentucky Bluegrass mix for my sandy soil, full sun lawn?

Thank you.

-Miguel A Salinas ( <personal data hidden> )

Be Blessed!

Double check and make sure you are on my email list  HERE.  This is where I send out info on any changes or new stuff coming. 

GCI Turf Academy

<personal data hidden>





The Question Asker Replied July 20, 2021, 5:23 PM EDT

Should I wait in buying the 45lb  "GCI Turf Cool Blue Turf Type Tall Fescue/Kentucky Bluegrass Grass Seed" bag until we get back the soil test results? I shared my lawn care experience and sandy soil/full sun lawn with the GCF company, and they also recommended the "GCI Turf Cool Blue Turf Type Tall Fescue/Kentucky Bluegrass Grass Seed".  I am thinking of buying an additional 10lb bag to make sure I cover enough seed.

I am so excited!!!!!! Thank You!!!

Also,  Steve  Hanson from the Carver-Scott Extension Master Gardeners reviewing my lawn care request for help info.

From: Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 3:32 PM
To: Miguel Salinas <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Overseeding in Mid August - City of Jordan by Minnesota River (#0031343)
The Question Asker Replied July 20, 2021, 5:23 PM EDT

What you just proposed.  I did note the inclusion of Midnight bluegrass in the mixture.  For some reason I was under the impression that you also wanted to use this mix plus additional bluegrass beyond what you had left over.

Carry on!!

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 20, 2021, 5:35 PM EDT

Thanks for the update.  I think that you could order this seed now.  What the soil analyses will tell us is what types of fertilizer will be needed and perhaps whether or not compost should be added.  I think your August 21st date is still very realistic.  Soil results should reach you this week.  I share your excitement!

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 20, 2021, 5:39 PM EDT

Thoughts on the OutsidePride mix vs the GCI mix besides lower price for OutsidePride?

I am sure you are getting tired of me. Thank You for putting up with me  

Miguel Salinas.

From: Steven Hanson <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 7:52 PM
To: Miguel Salinas <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Hi Steven - Fw: Overseeding in Mid August - City of Jordan by Minnesota River (#0031343)
Miguel, I just came across this. Maybe you want to take a look. It's a mix of Midnight and two tall fescue varieties. 


Thank you for contacting Carver-Scott Extension Master Gardeners,

Steve Hanson, EMG

Please note: This is a private email address used to respond to gardening questions submitted at a walk-up garden desk, or through a telephone or internet help line. Do not use this email address to initiate new questions. You will not receive a response.You can reach the Carver-Scott Garden Hotline at<personal data hidden>, the Carver-Scott "Contact Us" form at, the Carver-Scott email at <personal data hidden>, or <personal data hidden>, the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum Yard and Garden Line at<personal data hidden>, or eXtension Ask an Expert at

Thank you for understanding.

On Tue, Jul 20, 2021, 2:23 PM Miguel Salinas <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
Hi Steven,

Thank You for your email reply. In regards to my email today at 9:20am highlighted in yellow below, the U of M Extension office recommended a Tall Fescue Grass seed for my sandy soil, full sun lawn to help deal with the heat tolerant during the summer. 

Last night I came across Youtube video from a lawn care company/individual call GCI ( and I was moved by his sincere and humble work for his lawn care. And not to mentioned amazing results for the grass he is using.  I read a lot of good reviews of his grass seeds.

I am interested in their GCI Tall Fescue/Kentucky Bluegrass Grass Seeds. My final question is what are your thoughts on the GCI Turf Type Tall Fescue (  or the Tall Fescue /Kentucky Bluegrass mix ( which includes the Kentucky Midnight Grass Seed for my sandy soil, full sun lawn and existing Kentucky Midnight BlueGrass? 

The website provides the types of Tall Fescue grass seeds.

THOR: (Tall fescue) Top-rated variety due to its excellent color, density, green-up, and disease resistance. Thor has shown resistance to Brown Patch and Pythium Blight. Thor has an exceptional dark green color, rated high in genetic and winter color. Aggressive tillering and excellent spring green-up makes it a great application for home lawns, parks, sod production, sports fields, and commercial properties

BLACK TAIL: (Tall fescue) This variety provides superior density throughout the growing season in all parts of the US due to its aggressive tillering ability which also helps repair damaged areas of turf. Black Tail is a solid overall performer in traffic stress trials, fine leaf texture, and brown patch resistance. Black Tail’s aggressive tillering characteristic contributes to its dense, lush canopy.

FALCON IV: (Tall fescue) Falcon IV is a new and improved, heat and disease resistant, tall fescue variety developed for superior turf quality across a wide area of adaptation. It is dark green in color, fine textured with excellent wear tolerance. Falcon IV exhibits a unique combination of traits including dense growth, improved turf quality, and resistance to brown patch. Falcon IV is endophyte-enhanced tall fescue.

MIDNIGHT: (KBG) A unique Kentucky Bluegrass cultivar that produces a dense, fine leaf turf with dark green color and superior disease resistance. It also provides a dark green color, fine to medium leaf texture, and excellent density during the growing season. Midnight mixes well with other Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial ryegrass, fine fescue, and tall fescue

I know you guys cannot recommend a product or source due to the nature of your volunteer support....I but I appreciate your guidance and direction in terms of knowledge of the Tall Fescue grass type above. I am also waiting to get my soil test analysis from the U of M Extension office.

Thank You!!!!!

From: Steven Hanson <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 1:31 PM
To: <personal data hidden> <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Hi U of M - Extension Office - Fw: Overseeding in Mid August - City of Jordan by Minnesota River (#0031343)
Hi, Miguel:
Midnight is a good variety and it's dark green. Kentucky-31 is light green and coarse. It used to be sold as pasture grass. It might not be a good look to mix the two. I don't know. You said a neighbor's lawn looks good,so use Midnight 100% if that's what you like.

You can purchase Midnight from a multitude of vendors, including Amazon. I can't speak to the quality of the seed from one vendor to another. You can ask the vendor, such as Seed Barn, if the seed is certified to be the Midnight variety. That's about the best you can do.

I have no comment on what the Home Depot employee recommended.

Here's a link about how to overseed. It pretty much outlines what you did up until you covered the seed with topsoil.

A few final thoughts: If this hot weather continues, hold off seeding until our high temps are below 80 degrees; maybe into the mid-70's. And because you're on sand, and in full sun, you should probably give the lawn a light watering a few times each day. Moisture is critical to the seed germination. Last, our lawns are seeded with what are called "cool season grasses" but our summers are becoming brutal. You can expect your lawn to look best in spring and fall. Next year, when your lawn is established, let it grow long. 3"-4" is good. It will do better in the heat.

I hope this is helpful.

Good luck,
Thank you for contacting Carver-Scott Extension Master Gardeners,
Steve Hanson, EMG
Please note: This is a private email address used to respond to gardening questions submitted at a walk-up garden desk, or through a telephone or internet help line. Do not use this email address to initiate new questions. You will not receive a response.You can reach the Carver-Scott Garden Hotline at<personal data hidden>, the Carver-Scott "Contact Us" form at, the Carver-Scott email at <personal data hidden>, or <personal data hidden>the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum Yard and Garden Line at<personal data hidden>, or Ask Extension at
Thank you for understanding.

From: Miguel Salinas <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 9:58 AM
To: <personal data hidden> <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Hi U of M - Extension Office - Fw: Overseeding in Mid August - City of Jordan by Minnesota River (#0031343)

My name is Miguel Salinas and I live in Jordan, MN. I am reaching out for guidance and support for overseeding my lawn Mid August. See my emails below to the U of M Extension office. I am forwarding my photos as well.

Thank You.
From: Kristy Mock <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 9:54 AM
To: Miguel Salinas <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Hi Kristi - Fw: Overseeding in Mid August - City of Jordan by Minnesota River (#0031343)
Hello, Miguel, 
Thank you for contacting the Carver-Scott Master Gardeners. Please refer your email/questions to our Yard & Garden Line and email.  The number is<personal data hidden>, but with your pictures it is probably best to email <personal data hidden>.  One of our certified Master Gardeners would be happy to help you. 

Thank you. 

Kristy Mock

Master Gardener Program Coordinator | Extension |
Carver County M/W <personal data hidden>

Scott County T/TH <personal data hidden>
University of Minnesota |


On Tue, Jul 20, 2021 at 9:44 AM Miguel Salinas <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
Hi Kristi,

My name is Miguel Salinas and I live at 639 Lodge Drive in Jordan, MN on a half acre corner lot (About 18,000 sq ft lawn).. in the Timberline neighborhood which is right next to the Scott County Fair Grounds! I am looking for helping with overseeding my lawn mid Aug of this year. Below is the email I sent to the U of M Extension office for help.

I sent them a two soil samples from my back yard and front yard to the U of M Extension office - I am still waiting on results. But they recommended to use a Tall Fescue Grass Seed to mix my existing Kentucky Midnight Bluegrass to help with the summer since Tall Fescue Grass are very heat tolerant and do well in sandy soil with full sun. Seed Barn company recommended the Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue and I researched online this seed and it was a mix reviews. So I was not convinced. Plus there are so many different  type of Tall Fescue Grass seeds - it is overwhelming. They also sell a Tall Fescue/Kentucky Bluegrass mix but there is hardly any information on the grass seeds ( 

The  U of M Extension recommended to reached out to your team for additional help. See two emails below. Also, last night I came across Youtube video from a lawn care company/individual call GCI I mentioned above ( and I was moved by his sincere and humble work for his lawn. And not to mentioned amazing results for the grass he is using.  I read a lot of good reviews of his grass seeds.

I am interested in the GCI Tall Fescue Grass Seeds. My final question is what are  your thoughts on the  GCI Turf Type Tall Tall Fescue (  or the Tall Fescue /Kentucky Bluegrass mix ( for my sandy soil, full sun lawn and existing Kentucky Midnight BlueGrass? Or do you recommend another type of Tall Fescue grass mix from a different source?  I know you guys cannot recommend a product or source due to the nature of your volunteer support....I just need some guidance.

I am forwarding my lawn care photos I sent to the U of M extension office or I guess you can stop by my house to look at my lawn in- person since I literally one mile from the Scott County Fair Grounds. 

Thank You!

Miguel Salinas


I am reaching out to you for advice and help with my lawn care. I am planning to overseed my lawn the weekend of Aug. 21st. Here is a brief history of my previous experience of overseeding: 


I bought my house in 2016 and it was a bank own property. The previous owners never took care of the property especially the lawn care and landscape. There were a lot of weeds, dandelions, etc and the grass was terrible. I have been slowly working in my lawn to get it in a better shape. I have overseed every Fall and Spring Season since 2019 with Kentucky Midnight Bluegrass from online company SeedBarn ( and each time has been a challenge.  


When I overseed, I usually mow the grass at about 1-2 inches, collected the grass clippings, aerated, (and even dethatched in Spring of 2020 then overseed with Scott’s Starter For New Grass and use the Revive product). The grass looked okay but summer came and the grass looked terrible last year. I also hired a local lawn care company to add quarterly program lawn care applications – it has helped. I also have an irrigation sprinkler system and I have been using it during my overseeding projects. 


But my grass is not how I want it to be, especially during the summer. My entire neighborhood’s lawn looks terrible especially in the summer. After so many attempts of overseeding, I realized that the main reason is because we live next to the Minnesota River and we have super sandy soil! I also researched with the University of Minnesota Extension Lawn Care specialist and other local lawn care companies for recommendations. One of my neighbors has an amazing lawn and he shared with me that he overseed with the Kentucky Midnight Bluegrass seed from SeedBarn in Florida around the early 2010s but what he did is tore up his entire lawn, added 1 inch top soil and overseed went he bought his house . So in the Fall of last year, I went through the same process but this time I added about 2-3 inches of top soil/compost soil mix to my entire yard haff acre lot. However, my stupid mistake was that I overseed after I aerate, then cover my seed with the 2-3 inches of top soil instead of adding it on top and raking in the seed . I dont think the new grass seed grow; however, my existing grass did grow strong and super green. There were quiet a few bare spots. 


This year in the first week April I tried to get a head started and overseed by hand the bared spots. I skipped the Spring Pre-Emergent application. I was literally on my knees; I loosen up the top soil and added grass new grass seed every bared spot by hand. Then I added Scott’s Starter Fertilizer using the seed spreader and even added peat moss. I water in a regular basis using my irrigation sprinkler system and sometimes with my garden hose. The new grass was finally growing but this year the summer came super fast in early May! There was a crazy heat in early May and no rain! My grass went brown (or as they say dormant) really fast even with my regular watering. I think my new grass died .  


Also, the lawn/grown felt like cement so I researched online for recommendations to loosen up the soil especially since water was running off the soil when I was watering with the sprinkler system or garden hose. I came across a Ryan Knorr youtube video recommending the Liquid Aerating Soil Loosener and it did helped. I added the product a month ago right before a rain fall.  With a few day of rain, watering with my sprinkler systems and just recently added a fertilizer, my grass is looking to be coming back see photos. 


I also don’t have much shade as you can see in the google maps. The front house in google maps is my house in July 2019, but the corner and back side view is before I bought the house. I have the entire sun hitting my lawn basically all day. I have added evergreen trees outside the fence by the Foxo-Boro. I also added three trees in the back yard by the side of my neighbor and 7 techny arborvitae tress between the existing pines tress in the very back yard, which by the way the pine trees are dying. 


Anyhow, I would like to overseed one last time in the weekend of Aug. 21st. I am planning to mow the grass at about 2 inches, collect grass clipping, aerate and with the Scott’s Starter For New Grass . I also have some top soil/compost left over so I am going to add a sprinkle of this soil to the new grass seed after overseeding.  I am looking for your help in finding the correct seed. I still love the Kentucky Midnight Bluegrass  but I have the following questions: 


* After sharing my lawn care experience, wondering if you still recommend the Kentucky Midnight Bluegrass seed or should I get a general Bluegrass mix seed to help with my direct sun on my lawn during Spring, Summer and Fall?  


* Maybe the Kentucky Midnight Bluegrass  from the SeedBarn Company in Florida is not the same quality and provide the same great result as your Kentucky Midnight Blue Grass seed? I can provide the Kentucky Midnight Bluegrass seed specification from the Seed Barn company.  


* A local Home Depot employee from the lawn care dept recommended using the Vigoro Coated Grass Seed Sun and Shade Mix but I rather have good quality Blue Grass for full sun.  

From: Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2021 10:46 PM
To: Miguel Salinas <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Overseeding in Mid August - City of Jordan by Minnesota River (#0031343)

Dear Miguel, here's the response to your question:

Thanks for getting back to me.

I can really sense your frustration so let me suggest something else with a slightly different approach. Why don’t you contact the Scott County University of Minnesota Extension Office? Ask what recommendations they might have regarding grass seed. Mention your issues about types of tall fescue. Generally they have folks on staff who are usually quite good. Give it a shot.

Please keep me informed.

Need to reply to the expert? Click the link below, or simply reply to this email.

Click here to view #0031343

The Question Asker Replied July 20, 2021, 10:13 PM EDT

Hi, had trouble reading your latest messages.  Looked like it was a format issue.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 20, 2021, 11:18 PM EDT
No worries below is the email I sent you:

rom: Miguel Salinas <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 9:10 PM
To: Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Fw: Hi Steven - Fw: Overseeding in Mid August - City of Jordan by Minnesota River (#0031343)

Steven is also recommending the which has Midnight. See email below.

Thoughts on the OutsidePride mix vs the GCI mix besides lower price for OutsidePride?

I am sure you are getting tired of me. Thank You for putting up with me  

Miguel Salinas.

From: Steven Hanson <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 7:52 PM
To: Miguel Salinas <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Hi Steven - Fw: Overseeding in Mid August - City of Jordan by Minnesota River (#0031343)
Miguel, I just came across this. Maybe you want to take a look. It's a mix of Midnight and two tall fescue varieties. 


Thank you for contacting Carver-Scott Extension Master Gardeners,

Steve Hanson, EMG

From: Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 10:18 PM
To: Miguel Salinas <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Overseeding in Mid August - City of Jordan by Minnesota River (#0031343)
The Question Asker Replied July 21, 2021, 9:19 AM EDT

Thanks for the information.

Although both mixes contain tall fescue and Kentucky blue grass, there are some differences. Regardless of which mix you pick, be sure that it is rated for growing zones 4 and 5.

One mixture has 90% tall fescue and 10% Midnight blue grass by weight. However since tall fescue seeds are larger than the blue grass seeds, this works out to a 50%:50% mixture by number of seeds. The other mix has 85% tall fescue and 15% Blue Coat blue grass by weight. This works out to about 40% fescue seed and about 60% blue grass seed. Initially a 50:50 mixture of fescue to blue grass was suggested. Given the high amount of sunlight in your yards, I now think it would be fine to increase the amount of blue grass. My preference would be for the mix with 15% blue grass.

You will need to decide which blue grass to use. I am not very familiar with either. Check and compare them.

Midnight blue grass:

Blue Coat blue grass:

With respect to the tall fescue, one mix seems to have five different varieties and the other mix seems to contain a single variety. Using a mix with five different fescues means that the mix may be able to better adapt to a wider range of environmental challenges and uses. On the other hand, you may end up with a lawn that may not have a uniform appearance. The mix with a single type of tall fescue may present a more uniform appearance to you yard but may not be able to withstand as many environmental challenges. I would suggest that you research each of these types of tall fescue and decide which best suits your needs.

The above are my thoughts. I have purposefully not recommended one mix over the other. There are advantages and disadvantages to both. Also, I did not consider costs of the mixes. You will need to make the final decision as to which mix best serves your purposes. Of course please feel free to get back with any further questions.

Good luck!!

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 21, 2021, 10:06 PM EDT
Thank You so much. The GCI 45 lb mix actually has 85% tall fescue/15% Kentucky Midnight bluegrass and their 25lb has the 85% tall fescue/15% blue coat.

I was thinking what if i buy a 25lb mix from each location....this way i get all the benefits/advantages from both but then maybe that would be a problem/ present issues...combine both? :/

Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device

-------- Original message --------
From: Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
Date: 7/21/21 9:10 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: Miguel Salinas <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Overseeding in Mid August - City of Jordan by Minnesota River (#0031343)

The Question Asker Replied July 21, 2021, 11:03 PM EDT

Thanks for your response.  

Yes, I was looking at the composition of the 25 pound bag of GCI. 

I'm not sure there would be any significant advantage in combing the two mixes but certainly no harm would be done.

Thank you for your continued use of our forum.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 22, 2021, 12:24 AM EDT

Here is Steven's recommendation regarding the two products. Looks like he also recommends the GCI product -

Hi, Miguel:
You can try to search each variety in each seed mix to see if you can find any published data from seed trials, but other than doing that you're stuck with what you find on the websites that you've already checked. Saying that, I don't think you'll see much difference between the mixtures. They both contain your Midnight bluegrass which is fine textured and dark green. The fescues in both mixtures are also fine textured and dark green, so they should make for a good blend. They both say that they will do well in full sun. With sand, no matter what you use, you're going to need to water frequently and fertilize more than if you had a loamy soil. If I were to pick one based on the limited info that you and I have seen, no scientific data, just my gut feeling, I'd pick the GCI product. Follow good planting and maintenance practices and you should be fine.


From: Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2021 9:10 PM
To: Miguel Salinas <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Overseeding in Mid August - City of Jordan by Minnesota River (#0031343)
The Question Asker Replied July 23, 2021, 4:27 PM EDT

The GCI mix will meet your needs nicely.  According to my research, the blue grass in the GCI mix was not Midnight but another variety.

Any update on the soil analyses?

I'm sure you are getting anxious to get some seed in the ground.

Thanks again for consulting with us.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 23, 2021, 4:59 PM EDT

To keep things simple, I decided to purchase a 45lb and 10lb bag of the GCI Turf Cool Blue Turf Type Tall Fescue/Kentucky Bluegrass Grass Seed. I also got a GCI user guide for the grass mix - see attachment.

I have not received my soil analysis .

A few additional questions regarding the overseeding plan:

    1. Mow lawn at about 2 inches – remove/collect clippings.

    2. Rake hard (steel rake) enough to loosen the soil and break apart the thatch. Remove debris. I am going to aerate the yard.

    3. Apply seed evenly over the entire lawn at the recommend rate. Rake the lawn once again to ensure the seed works its way down to the soil.

    4. Add the Scotts Turf Builder Starter Food for new Grass.

    5. I also have a top soil/compost dirt left from a garden project I had early Spring. Can I add a sprinkle of the top soil/compost dirt ontop of the grass seed?

    6. Water – keep soil moist until the new seed germinates. Decrease watering frequency, but increase duration (instead of watering twice a day for 1/2 hour, water once or twice a week for one hour).

    7. Anything else I a missing?

I am super excited. 

Thank You for your amazing help and support!

From: Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2021 3:59 PM
To: Miguel Salinas <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Overseeding in Mid August - City of Jordan by Minnesota River (#0031343)
The Question Asker Replied July 24, 2021, 2:37 PM EDT

The GCI mix will meet your needs nicely.  According to my research, the blue grass in the GCI mix was not Midnight but another variety.

Any update on the soil analyses?

I'm sure you are getting anxious to get some seed in the ground.

Thanks again for consulting with us.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 24, 2021, 8:50 PM EDT

Greetings again.

When you do your over seeding, do NOT immediately apply the starting fertilizer.  It is not intended to be used at that time.  The grass seed has enough stored energy for germination and early growth.  If you apply fertilizer at the time of seeding, it will promote quick growth of the young grass blades at the expense of root development.  Hold off applying any fertilizer until the grass is about an inch or two in height.  The composition of this fertilizer is 25% nitrogen, 25% phosphate, and 5% potash.  This is what young grass seedlings need for growth.  These nutrients are not needed for seed germination.  Furthermore, the presence of fertilizer during the early stages of germination can "burn" the new grass.  Once you get the soil analyses back, we can develop a fertilization program.  Still in anticipation of your August 21st date, in your over seeding will you be doing this in several small areas or in a few large areas?


An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 24, 2021, 9:28 PM EDT
forgot to add the photos of the grass weed 

From: Miguel Salinas <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2021 1:00 PM
To: Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Overseeding in Mid August - City of Jordan by Minnesota River (#0031343)

In the attachment you will find the soil test results. Also, do you know what grass weed is the one shown in the attachment and how do I get rid of them? They are all over my lawn... 

Thank You.

From: soiltest Soil Testing Laboratory <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2021 10:37 AM
To: <personal data hidden> <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Soil Test Results

Attached are the results from your recent soil test 79602. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Thank you!


Soil Testing Laboratory
University of Minnesota
Crops Research Building Rm. 135
1902 Dudley Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55108

Tel:    <personal data hidden>
Fax:   <personal data hidden>
Email:  <personal data hidden>

From: Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Saturday, July 24, 2021 8:28 PM
To: Miguel Salinas <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Overseeding in Mid August - City of Jordan by Minnesota River (#0031343)
The Question Asker Replied July 26, 2021, 2:04 PM EDT

In the attachment you will find the soil test results. Also, do you know what grass weed is the one shown in the attachment and how do I get rid of them? They are all over my lawn... 

Thank You.

From: soiltest Soil Testing Laboratory <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2021 10:37 AM
To: <personal data hidden> <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Soil Test Results

Attached are the results from your recent soil test 79602. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Thank you!


Soil Testing Laboratory
University of Minnesota
Crops Research Building Rm. 135
1902 Dudley Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55108

Tel:    <personal data hidden>
Fax:   <personal data hidden>
Email:  <personal data hidden>

From: Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Saturday, July 24, 2021 8:28 PM
To: Miguel Salinas <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Overseeding in Mid August - City of Jordan by Minnesota River (#0031343)
The Question Asker Replied July 26, 2021, 2:04 PM EDT

Thanks for your response.

This current thread is getting too long for a single thread.  You need to send in and start a new question.  Related to this, I got the picture of the weed but I cannot access the soil results through a website.  You will need to take pictures of both the front and back sides of the reports and send them with you new question in JPEG format.  So, again, start a new question asking that the weed be identified and that you would like to have opinions on the soil results.  The weed and soil results should all be attached as JPEG.


An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 26, 2021, 6:28 PM EDT

I am not getting your messages.  This thread is too long.  You can't enter responses onto your current question.  You need to go back to the web page that asks you to submit a question.  Create a brand new question with a new title.  Ask a question about the weed and soil analyses.  I still can't open your soil tests.  Your soil tests appear under a web link and I can't access that.  Again, take a picture of the soil analyses.  Convert those pictures into JPEG and save them as JPEG.  There is a place on the page where you enter questions that asks if you want to attach JPEG.  That is where you attach pictures of the weed and the soil reports.

Thanks for your cooperation.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 26, 2021, 10:03 PM EDT

I submitted two new questions in the U of M Extension website:

1) For the grass weed
2) Soil test analysis with the jpeg photos.

Thank You.

From: Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2021 9:03 PM
To: Miguel Salinas <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Overseeding in Mid August - City of Jordan by Minnesota River (#0031343)
The Question Asker Replied July 26, 2021, 10:45 PM EDT

Thanks for the pictures.  We also received the two additional questions, one dealing with the soil analysis and the other dealing with the weed identification.  I will be responding to your question on the soil tests.  Another Master Gardener has already responded to your question on the weed.  Identifying the weed has posed a bit of a challenge.  It is a type of grass but we are having discussions as to whether it is an annual grass or a perennial grass.

Thanks for your patience.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 28, 2021, 12:58 AM EDT

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