
Age of maple? #761034

Asked July 10, 2021, 5:25 PM EDT

We have a large maple in our yard. I was interested in approximating its age. The circumference is 14.5 ft. at about 4.5 ft. high. We don't know the variety of maple, but will attach a photo of the tree and a leaf. Is there a formula? What might we do to keep it healthy? Thank you, Bill

Ingham County Michigan

Expert Response


What a beautiful silver maple! 

Because silver maple can grow rather quickly it may be hard to tell it's exact age. The only way to truly tell is to use an increment borer to take a core sample then count the rings. Professional foresters have such tools. Finding one may not be easy. I would recommend asking the Ingham County Conservation District if they have such tools available. They may also have another method of aging a tree. 

Is the tree planted in a yard that is irrigated and fertilized? If yes, that's all the care the tree needs. If not, I would just monitor the tree and reach out if you see leaf discoloration (yellowing or browning) or shedding of leaves. As it is, it looks like the leaf color is good, and the lush, full, canopy is a sign of a healthy tree!

If you have any follow up questions, feel free to reach out. 

Thank you,


Julie Crick Replied July 13, 2021, 8:37 AM EDT

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