
Is it too late to save this Himalayan birch tree? #760902

Asked July 09, 2021, 5:35 PM EDT

We have a Himalayan birch that a woodpecker put multiple holes in last spring. A local nursery suggested filling the holes with a product they had and we did. This season the top canopy isn't looking good. We did treat it with the Bayer product that we give our Ash tree to kill any emeril ash borers. Can we do anything else? Should we treat it again?

Lyon County Minnesota

Expert Response

Hello, happy to help.

I'm guessing that you're thinking that your tree has been invaded by the bronze birch borer which is why you're using the same product you use on your ash tree to prevent an attack of the emerald ash borer.

One of the signs of the presence of the bronze birch borer is thinning and loss of leaves starting from the top of the tree.  Another is that the Himalayan birch is susceptible to attacks by the bronze birch borer.  It's not the only conclusion unless you're able to see the telltale signs of a feeding gallery underneath the tree's typically thin bark.  (See photos of this in this page about borers.)

Bronze birch borers attack stressed trees but woodpeckers are attracted to trees with insects and insects are attracted to stressed trees.  So I think the stress occurred before the presence of either the woodpecker or the possible bronze birch borer invader.  Never the less, it would be best to positively determine if it's bronze birch borer before concluding that your tree is at it's end.

A certified arborist can evaluate the entire tree to determine the best approach.  Here is a link to information about how to find and hire a professional.

eGardener Replied July 11, 2021, 3:35 PM EDT

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