Invasive vine species that kill trees in Maryland - Ask Extension
Dear MD Extension:
I have been trying to identify and eradicate some vines that seem to be killing trees on and adjacent to my property. I found t...
Invasive vine species that kill trees in Maryland #760064
Asked July 05, 2021, 2:00 PM EDT
Dear MD Extension:
I have been trying to identify and eradicate some vines that seem to be killing trees on and adjacent to my property. I found the following link from 2016, but the page it points to seems to no longer be valid. Is there a new URL you can provide me for reference? Copy and past from the Q&A pages:
Invasive vines killing trees in Maryland #300376
Asked February 09, 2016, 4:21 PM EST
I seem to be the only one around me who is noticing all the trees being overwhelmed and destroyed by invasive vines. I really don't think anything can be done about it but wanted to ask. Thank you, Kevin
Caguas County Maryland
Expert Response
You are not the only one, but you are wise for your concern.
There are multiple invasive plant species in Maryland, and several vines which may be the culprit you are seeing, including kudzu, oriental bittersweet, wisteria, English ivy among them.
Here is our invasive plants page where you can learn more and identify the one you are noticing.
We would encourage private homeowners to control invasive plants on their property, and there are some environmental groups which do try to do invasives control, but you are correct, it is a difficult battle.
Home and Garden Information Cent University of Maryland Extension Replied February 10, 2016, 9:00 AM EST
Frederick County Maryland
Expert Response
Sorry for the confusion. We have updated our website. Take a look at the following links on Invasive Plants and Invasive Vine and Groundcover Control
Thank you very much, Marian- and no worries, nothing to apologise for.
Hope you had a good holiday weekend!
With best regards
t mccormick
On Jul 6, 2021, at 8:47 AM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
You are welcome.