
Scales in soil? #759974

Asked July 04, 2021, 6:45 PM EDT

We had three established (20+years) lilacs die off. We replace them with two new lilacs two years ago. This year, what I assume is a type of scale over took them and we removed and disposed of them (see pictures below). I’m wondering if scale exists in the soil and anything else we plant there will experience a similar fate? Are our other plants surrounding the area at risk? Are there plants that don’t succumb to scale? Do we need a soil test?

Ingham County Michigan

Expert Response

I am afraid that the photos are not quite high enough resolution for me to see anything identifiable as a scale insect. There are several possible explanations for the appearance of the lilac stems in your photo. I would recommend that you send a sample to the MSU Plant and Pest Diagnostic Laboratory ( 

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 06, 2021, 9:12 AM EDT

I can send a sample in, but in general, if there are scales on a lilac tree will they also be in soil and thereby inhabit other plants put in the same soil?

The Question Asker Replied July 06, 2021, 12:12 PM EDT

No, the most common scale insects that occur on lilac in Michigan do not use the soil for any significant portion of their life cycle. 

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 06, 2021, 2:32 PM EDT

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