
Pruning Mock Orange #759627

Asked July 02, 2021, 10:36 AM EDT

Hi! My mock orange has finished blooming and I would like to prune it. Last winter the rabbits ate it down to just a few inches high which apparently helped because it bloomed so well. Questions: Photo 1: Should I just cut back the dead blooms? As you can see there are a lot of blooms. I looked online and got about 5 different opinions on how to do it. Photo 2: Should I cut the bottom stalks that had no growth back more than they are? Photo 3: I can't tell if this is new growth at the bottom or another kind of plant. The leaves are more spiky down there. I'm not sure what to do about this possible new growth. Question 4: I have another Mock Orange in the front yard that is very spindly. Basically two stalks that produced some blooms and some stalks with no growth on them. How can I make this a fuller bush? THANKS SO MUCH!

Hennepin County Minnesota

Expert Response

I am surprised that your mock orange bloomed and is so tall.  As a spring blooming shrub, it sets buds shortly after blooming and there should have been little/no blooms after being cut back so severely.  The stems with no growth are dead.  Cut them down to the ground.  You can shape the shrub somewhat.  The shrub in the front yard obviously is not happy where it is.  It is probably lacking sunlight. Take a look at the location.  Perhaps it can be transplanted.  Mockorange | UMN Extension

Barbara, Anoka County MG, TCA Replied July 02, 2021, 1:48 PM EDT

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