
eggs forming #759387

Asked June 30, 2021, 9:01 PM EDT

how long does it take for a egg to form in a hen

Pondera County Montana

Expert Response

Hi Erika, 

It takes 24 hours for an egg to develop from the moment it is released from the ovary until it is laid. 

This timeline can be extended for a variety of reasons, but 24 hours is the minimum. A hen is hatched with all of the ova she will have in her lifetime, these ova develop into yolks and each hen has a number of yolks at various stages of development present at any given time until they are ready to be released from the ovary and begin developing into a shelled egg. 

You can learn more here:

Alicia Halbritter Replied July 01, 2021, 11:25 AM EDT

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