
Cut worm?? #759150

Asked June 29, 2021, 6:22 PM EDT

Are these cut worms I am finding them in the dirt below my cabbage plants? Are there any tricks to get rid of them besides digging around the roots? My other question is. I live in the old westhills in Bend. I have made lava rock beds. There is no soil on my lot only moon dust & cheat grass. I did not have acess to good dirt. I filled my beds with 75-80% of horse manure which 80% composted. The rest 25-20% is made up bagged dirt for raised beds, wood compost from the dump and my kitchen compost. How do I test my soil to know what I should add? Can you suggust where to buy good soil. I do not like what the dump is sell this year. Thanks you

Deschutes County Oregon

Expert Response


Those are cutworms.  I'm going to attach a bulletin for University of Minnesota that will give greater detail on identifying them and how to control.  If you do decide to use pesticides, please follow the instructions on the label carefully and wear appropriate safety gear. 

Cutworms in the Home Garden

 UM had another bulletin that brings understanding to what pest is causing damage in your garden.  Great for future reference.

What's eating my Vegetables?

Now to your soil question.  I've always called it lava dust, but moon dust works too!. We have to amend to get the proper growing medium for a vegetable and flower garden.  Horse manure is great, but really has to be composted well.  If it's not, that could be adding to your cutworm problem.  OSU extension has worked with Instant Landscaping to come up with a good garden soil.  They have Raised Bed Soil for raised beds and Soil Rich Topsoil for in ground gardens.  You can buy a soil test kit to determine your soil Ph at any garden store.

Cristi Replied July 01, 2021, 2:34 PM EDT

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