
Severe Heat Burn of trees, bushes, and plants #758936

Asked June 28, 2021, 7:17 PM EDT

I live inland from the coast about 10 miles at the boundary of the Siuslaw National Forest, and yesterday's heat (99 degrees here) did severe damage to the forest trees, my blueberry bushes, rhododendrons, and most all of my plants and shrubs. I would like to know whether the heat burn of the fir and cedar branches and the burn to the branches of my plants and shrubs equates to their death or will they revive themselves after soaking rains and a return to normal temperatures? Or possibly next year renewal? The images are of some trees in my yard. I am really concerned about the heat burn to the trees in the National forest and the wildfire danger.

Tillamook County Oregon

Expert Response


I am afraid this sun burn will be a very common sight across much of western Oregon.  Things are getting toasted here in the Willamette valley too.  

Mature trees are generally resilient.  A loss of some  foliage is a set back, but not typically fatal.  Once they leaf out again next year, they should probably look much the same as before.

But we will have to wait some time to see the actual effects of the heat to leaves, and maybe buds. It is certainly possible that some individual branches or branch tips might be lost, without it being a danger to the tree.  Probably more of concern is not the sun burning, but expanding the effects of the drought (probably more of an issue here in the valley than near the coast).  Hot weather on top of low moisture causes internal stresses that we do not easily see.  Again, we need to wait to see those effects, along with any other stress occurring between now and the rains. 

Unsightly as it is, I do not think this damage brings any new or significant increase in fire risk.  


Brad Withrow-Robinson

OSU Forestry & Natural Resources Extension

Benton, Linn & Polk counties.

Brad Withrow-Robinson Replied June 28, 2021, 7:46 PM EDT
Thank you for your quick response, appreciated! 

Hypocrisy only matters if you have principles!

On Mon, Jun 28, 2021, 4:46 PM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied June 28, 2021, 9:47 PM EDT

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