
Need plant Identified #758797

Asked June 28, 2021, 10:57 AM EDT

What is this? It is not something I planted and it has suddenly started popping up in my garden! If it is a desirable plant how do I tend it? If it is undesirable how do I eradicate it? The stem is slightly woody (vs a green stem) and the plants are about 5-8 inches tall right now. They seem to be propagating fairly quickly.

Kent County Delaware

Expert Response

Hello Beth!

I apologize for the delay in my response!  My first thought about this plant is possibly a mulberry but I can't be sure.  Would you be able to send a few additional pictures of the roots and the garden?  Feel free to send them to my email: <personal data hidden>.  I look forward to hearing from  you!


An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 07, 2021, 1:49 PM EDT

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