What is eating my corn? #758555
Asked June 26, 2021, 3:35 PM EDT
Deschutes County Oregon
Expert Response
Hi Naomi:
They will not produce corn without the main stock. Couple of ideas....
In the second picture I do see a few little black dots. That could be frass (larvae dropping). Worm/larvae damage could be the cause. They like to feed at night. I would suggest going to the garden at night with a flashlight to double check that nothing is feeding down there. If you find them, pick off by hand and drop in bucket of soapy water.
Then I would ask, what are your watering habits? Is water sitting in the stock area that is causing the stem to rot? Water early in the day so any water on the plant itself has time to evaporate.
If this does not solve the problem, you could take a sample to the Deschutes County Extension Office. They are located at:
Deschutes County Fairground
3800 SW Airport Way, Building 4, Redmond, OR 97756
Please call before going to verify hours of operation at<personal data hidden>.
What kind of Worm/larvae am I looking for, green or brown when I look with a flashlight? Do they hide in the dirt during the day?
I found the below worms in the dirt under my cabbage. Could it be the same worm that is eatting the cabbage? They are eating the cabbage leaves. With the corn I do not see bit marks.
Hi Naomi:
Yes, those are cutworms. I sent you information on your other question that will help you eliminate them. I do believe they could be the culprit with your corn also. If you don't find them in the corn, please read the bulletin below which can help identify which pest is doing damage. I also send this link in your other question.