
pole bean leaves: pest, disease, nutrients, too much little water? #758509

Asked June 26, 2021, 11:10 AM EDT

I am uploading images of pole bean leaves. I use a moisture meter to decide whether to water. On about 10 of my 40 or so plants, some leaves show loss of green color which leads to drying out and becoming brittle in spots. and small holes/tears. IT LOOKS A BIT LIKE LEAF MINERS. I do have leaf miners on nearby chard and beets, which is a minor problem this year compared to last 3 yrs. I control by removing infected leaves and rubbing off eggs. I HAVE NOT SEEN EGGS ON THE BEAN LEAVES. Is this a pest, a disease, over/under water, or nutrient problem? Thank you.

Lamoille County Vermont

Expert Response

This looks to me like a water/heat issue. It is not leaf miners. Any time you see dieback along leaf edges, I would suspect something lower in the plant that is inhibiting water from getting to edges. This could be drought, root rot, etc. My guess, due to dry conditions (even though you have been watering) is probably heat/drought stress rather than a living cause.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 29, 2021, 9:22 AM EDT

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