
Tree has half the branches with leaves #758431

Asked June 25, 2021, 4:49 PM EDT

I have a tree that is probably only three or four years old, I’m sorry I dont know what type of tree it is (hopefully you will be able to tell by the attached pictures). In early Spring all of the branches showed buds, but now, the tree is only producing leaves on about half of the tree. The trunk and all of the branches are very green when I do the scratch test, but on the branches that are not producing leaves about halfway up are no longer green. Should I prune the branches where they are no longer green or should I just leave it alone?!

Arapahoe County Colorado

Expert Response

Hello Travis,

A few questions of the care and maintenance of the tree will help. Have you sprayed or applied any chemicals in the area? Did you water the tree during the winter? (I am attaching a fact sheet on winter watering). Have you noticed any insects on the tree? We had some freezing nights in late April, it is possible that the buds were damaged by the freeze. When did you notice the buds?  You mentioned that you did a scratch test. It sounds like the bark is not green where the leaves have not developed. Is that correct? Is it brittle and breaking off?

Thank you for the photos, they are helpful, but I'd like to see a few more to help with the identification.  

1. It looks like there are clusters of fruit on a couple branches.  Please include those clearly in a photo.  

2. Some of the leaves look heart shaped, but it with the lighting, it is difficult to tell.  A photo of the leaves would help.

3. An overview of the entire tree would be helpful.

Thank you for contacting the Master Gardener Program.  I will await your responses.

Arapahoe County Extension Replied June 29, 2021, 3:08 PM EDT
Thank you so much for getting back to me.

I applied the Bayer Advanced 12 month tree and shrub protect and feed about 3 weeks ago, it is the second application I have given this tree (same time last year). 

I did not hand water the tree in the winter time but when clearing out my walk, patio and deck of snow I would throw the snow around the base of the tree to let the snow melt around the area.

The buds DID show up prior to the freeze we had in April, which is what I thought happened to the poor tree, the branches that are not producing break fairly easy, but I would not say they are brittle. When I break them they are not snapping off like you would expect when defining brittle. And yes, the branches are green from the trunk to about half way down and then the green stops and they are brown. The trunk is also very green all the way from the base to the top of the tree.

I have not noticed any bugs on the tree, or any burrow holes in the trunk of the tree. 

I am attaching more photos that will hopefully help solve the mystery of my poor tree. 

Thank you again for your help!!


On Tue, Jun 29, 2021 at 1:08 PM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied June 29, 2021, 3:36 PM EDT
Thank you for the additional photos and information.   This appears to be a linden tree. Besides, the winter watering information I sent previously, I am attaching some information on linden trees.  They are susceptible to damage from weed and feed products.  Did you check the product label before you applied the Bayer product?  

This sheet suggests you talk to a certified arborist when you see a problem.
What makes linden trees preferable? Linden trees are an excellent choice for yards in Colorado. A valuable landscape tree, lindens are prized for their pyramical shape, and their deep green, heart-shaped leaves that turn an attractive, golden yellow in fall.

Master Gardener volunteer

CSU Extension - Arapahoe County

6934 S. Lima Street Suite B

Centennial, CO 80112

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From: Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2021 1:36 PM
To: Master Gardener <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: New response added to your question (#0028362)
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The Question Asker Replied June 29, 2021, 4:07 PM EDT

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