
xeriscaping #757522

Asked June 21, 2021, 3:37 PM EDT

I am the chair of the Landscape Committee for our townhome association. We are interested in developing a plan for our lawn and gardens that would be sustainable. We would like to get assistance in determining what options there are for ground covers that would not require irrigation, what might thrive in different locations throughout the property and what the estimated costs of transitioning from grass to native ground covers would be. We are in Prospect Park in Minneapolis. Our group met a few years ago with a turf scientist from the U of MN who talked to us about fescues as an option. Do you have recommendations or suggestions about who could help us develop a plan and what the costs of that would be?

Hennepin County Minnesota

Expert Response

Thank you for reaching out to Extension. We recommend you hire a professional landscape firm for this kind of project. We do not have the capacity to design and create landscape plans nor do we want to take business away from our landscape industry professionals. You can find some options by visiting the MN Nursery and Landscape Association.

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