
Hydrangea Help #757380

Asked June 21, 2021, 8:21 AM EDT

I recently bought two hydrangea plants in 8" pots at King Soopers. I transplanted them to larger pots and keep them in a relatively shaded area of the front porch. The blossoms do not look healthy. What should I do? I am keeping the soil moist, but not soggy in this heat. I live in Colorado Springs, CO. Thanks for your help. Marky G.

El Paso County Colorado

Expert Response


The leaves on the plant still look in good shape, so I think that the blossoms are just fading a bit  - the extreme heat will frequently cause the flowers to mature and fade quickly.  When they look quite sad, you can clip them off to help stimulate more blooms.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 21, 2021, 11:27 AM EDT
Thank you! They are on the deep, covered porch. One gets shade & the other one gets partial sun. What kind of light do they need? Water daily? I have a soil, light & moisture thermometer.  Where do I trim when they look sad? Stem bottom?

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On Jun 21, 2021, at 9:27 AM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied June 21, 2021, 1:30 PM EDT

Hydrangeas prefer part sun - and not late afternoon hot sun. Morning sun is best.  Water whenevert the soil feels dry - it's impossible to know how often that will be. It might well be daily, but on days like today, they may not need water.  Cut the blossoms where the flower stem meets the main stem.  Know that these will probably need to spend the winter inside your house, because most supermarket hydrangeas aren't hardy.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 21, 2021, 1:47 PM EDT
One more question, I promise!
Will it hurt them if I take out from one pot & transplant the good ones into another pot? 
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On Jun 21, 2021, at 11:47 AM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied June 21, 2021, 2:02 PM EDT

I am not sure I understand your question.  the plants look good - there is no need to transplant them.  Unless you are talking about putting both of them into a bigger pot so they can both get the right sunlight?  If you mean taking off the good looking blooms and planting that flower in another pot, that will not work.  If I don't understand what you mean, please clarify.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 21, 2021, 2:45 PM EDT

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