
Compost Tea #757012

Asked June 18, 2021, 11:21 AM EDT

I need guidance on how to make compost tea, when to use it and how ofter. Are there any precautions in its use? I'm getting conflicting information from people and online. Thank You Laura

Denver County Colorado

Expert Response

You are finding conflicting information online because the research results on compost tea are mixed.  Different recipes, different application methods (brewed from yard waste, kitchen waste, manure?  Sprayed on foliage, spread on lawns? etc.) all complicate anecdotal reports.

Here is an article from CSU's Small Acreage Management group that was published in 2016 that may be helpful to you:

Here are two additional articles from authoritative sources that also might be of interest; however, the bottom line appears to be there is no single, definitive, conclusive research-based study on the benefits - or lack thereof - of compost tea.

Colorado Master Gardener, Denver County Replied June 18, 2021, 12:03 PM EDT

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