
Maple tree black spots on the leaves and little pimples on the leaves. Also the upper leaves look light almost like “fall” leaves #756514

Asked June 16, 2021, 8:48 AM EDT

This maple is only about 3-4 years old. It has developed black spots on the leaves and what I call is little pimples on the leaves. Also the upper leaves look light almost like “fall colors

Oakland County Michigan

Expert Response


This is most likely anthracnose or maple leaf blister.  These are described in the following article. As you will read, both conditions can exist on the same tree, but neither require treatments unless severe, because neither typically impact tree health. (Treatment would require a fungicide treatment next spring at bud break.)

The "pimples" are galls from a tiny gall wasp laying her eggs in the leaf.  These are also not going to impact the tree health and do not need treatment.  

The fall coloration in the crown, however is a sign of stress. Our soils here in Oakland County are extremely dry and even large trees will need supplemental watering this year unless the current dry patterns change. 

 I am attaching an article about how to properly water established trees.

I hope this answers your questions. Thank you for contacting Ask Extension.


An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 16, 2021, 4:31 PM EDT
Thank you Ruth. You have been very helpful. 


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On Jun 16, 2021, at 4:32 PM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied June 17, 2021, 10:47 AM EDT

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