
Looking for evergreen options for hedge #755709

Asked June 12, 2021, 11:37 AM EDT

I have evergreen trees that are about 35 years old and have been diagnosed with a fungus. I've been told they will die within the next 5 years. They are at the top of a hill, between the highway and the house, and were used as a barrier to highway noise. I'd like to start an evergreen hedge, between the highway and the current trees, that would grow to at least 5 foot tall. The hill has full exposure from all directions. I'm in Cannon Falls MN and have included a photo of the current evergreen trees. The photo was taken facing west.

Goodhue County Minnesota

Expert Response

Hello, happy to help.

Your diseased trees appear to be Colorado blue spruces.  Even though they're susceptible to two fungal diseases here in Minnesota, I'd be wary of putting any new spruce within range of them via the wind.  Other than spruces, you could check out the recommended evergreens for your plant hardiness zone in this U of MN Extension page where you'll learn about how big they'll mature to and how fast they'll grow.  To see photos of each variety, search for them in the Missouri Botanical Garden website.


eGardener Replied June 13, 2021, 4:38 PM EDT
Thank you

On Sun, Jun 13, 2021 at 15:38, Ask Extension
The Question Asker Replied June 13, 2021, 5:29 PM EDT

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