
Sambucus Lemony Lace with brown edged leaves #754935

Asked June 08, 2021, 8:50 PM EDT

Could you tell me what you think is causing the leaves of the Sambucus to turn brown and dry on the edges and what I should do about it?

Marion County Oregon

Expert Response

Dear Karen,

Thank you for contacting Ask Extension about your sambucas. The photos are helpful but we need more information to try to advise you.

  • When did this dieback first appear?
  • How long has this plant been in this location?
  • Is it only on the top portion of the plant, or does it occur throughout the plant?
  • Are there any symptoms on nearby plants? 
  • Have you applied any type of fertilizer or chemical to this plant, or to nearby plants or lawns?

Please reply directly to this email. A photo of the entire plant would also be helpful. I'll look forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards, Replied June 09, 2021, 7:15 PM EDT
  • When did this dieback first appear? Recently. I tend to visit the garden regularly and have admired the beautiful yellow leaves, especially in the afternoon sun. It does get strong sun in the afternoon when we have hot weather, and we did have those 90 degree days about a week ago. I'm beginning to wonder if  the leaves got sunburned. 
  • How long has this plant been in this location? It was planted around December 2018. 
  • Is it only on the top portion of the plant, or does it occur throughout the plant? Most of the browned leaves are on top, but a few are toward the bottom. 
  • Are there any symptoms on nearby plants? No. I have spirea, echinacea, astilbe nearby and they look fine. At a little distance is Hellebores that has an infestation of aphids. I have released ladybugs on it and sprayed once with Neem oil. Anyway, it is at least three feet away. 
  • Have you applied any type of fertilizer or chemical to this plant, or to nearby plants or lawns?  I applied compost on May 7, 5-10-10 to the nearby spirea, and 10-10-10 to the astilbe.
Thank you,

-----Original Message-----
From: Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
To: Karen Aranas <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Wed, Jun 9, 2021 4:15 pm
Subject: Re: Sambucus Lemony Lace with brown edged leaves (#0024866)

The Question Asker Replied June 09, 2021, 8:00 PM EDT

Dear Karen,

Thank you for the additional information. From your photos, I do not see the damage as a sign of pests or disease, so the cause is most likely abiotic. In this case, I would guess that it is due to the heat. 

I suggest that you selectively prune out the most damaged stems. Do not fertilize (in fact, never fertilize a stressed plant.) If you have not done so already, put about 3-inches of organic mulch over the soil, keeping it a few inches away from the trunk. 

Then water the plant slowly but deeply once or twice a week as needed. The water needs to penetrate the soil 2-inches down, not including the mulch. The best way to test soil moisture is by pushing your finger into it a couple of inches. If it comes out clean it's probably time to water.

A slow drip works best. Be sure the moisture extends slightly beyond the dripline of the shrub since this is where the new roots form. 

If you notice any further deterioration or additional symptoms, please write again. And feel free to write if you have any other questions.

Best Regards, Replied June 10, 2021, 11:58 AM EDT

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