Yellow/orange spots on raspberry leaves #754560
Asked June 07, 2021, 3:27 PM EDT
Tillamook County Oregon
Expert Response
This looks like Yellow Rust, a widespread fungal disease of red raspberry in Western Oregon. Here is some information from the Pacific Northwest Disease Management Handbook -
Please follow these recommended cultural controls to help prevent it from getting going:
Cultural control
- Burying fallen leaves, old cane stubs, and refuse before new leaves appear will help eliminate inoculum sources.
- In home gardens, remove and dispose of effected leaves, destroy fallen leaves and other refuse.
- Remove and burn old fruiting canes as soon after harvest as possible, cutting flush with the ground. Cultivate as soon as weather permits.
- Strip leaves from primocanes before tying.
- Postpone trellising primocanes until leaves drop off.
- Primocane suppression eliminates susceptible tissues when rust spores are present on fruiting cane leaves.
- Control cane vigor to improve air circulation in the plant canopy, which hastens drying of leaves and canes.
Fungal diseases can be difficult to control when well established. At low levels of infection, fruit yield may not be reduced. However, now you may want to consider using a chemical control like a fungicide spray (Spectracide Immunox Multi-Purpose Fungicide Spray Concentrate for Gardens) to help reduce the spread. If so,always follow all label instructions.