
tulip poplar #754481

Asked June 07, 2021, 11:48 AM EDT

This tulip poplar has a blackened, oozing fracture in the bark. We suddenly noticed this on May 23, 2021, but the fracture could have been there before, without the black exudate. We walk along this area many times a day. Are you able to identify the problem, and is there something we should do to eliminate the problem? Photos are included. Thanks, Sharon Cylus

Baltimore County Maryland

Expert Response

Hello Sharon,

This is not an uncommon phenomenon for Tulip Poplar. The cause is difficult to determine, but may be what is referred to as "slime flux." Here is more information:

No action needs to be taken unless the canopy shows signs of dieback, thinning, or discolored leaves. If you are concerned, or if anything worsens, you can have it assessed by a certified arborist. Some work with tree-care companies and others work independently. Here are two search tools for finding an arborist, if needed:


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