
Land Division #754476

Asked June 07, 2021, 11:40 AM EDT

Is there anything in the law that allows local/County government to charge a fee for processing the Land Division applications?

Menominee County Michigan

Expert Response


Yes, the Land Division Act states in Section 109(5) "The governing body of a municipality or the county board of commissioners of a county having authority to approve or disapprove a division may adopt an ordinance setting forth the standards authorized in subsection (1)(b), (c), and (d). The ordinance may establish a fee for a review of an application under this section and section 108. The fee shall not exceed the reasonable costs of providing the services for which the fee is charged."

In establishing such a fee, you are encouraged to review the MSU Extension Land Use Series - How to set permit fees.

Brad Neumann, AICP Replied June 08, 2021, 8:57 AM EDT

Brad – thank you very much, yes this helps.



From: Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Tuesday, June 8, 2021 7:58 AM
To: Kandace Curran <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Land Division (#0024407)


The Question Asker Replied June 08, 2021, 9:15 AM EDT

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