
Diagnosis of garden plants : roses, burning bush and linden tree #754472

Asked June 07, 2021, 11:26 AM EDT

I think something is attacking these plants. Roses, die off at the site of where a bloom should be, or bud is deformed, bent over and dwarfed if it does bloom. I have many roses, not all are “ infected” Burning bush, 1st two years they were doing ok, tho not growing much. 3rd and now 4th year they are eaten, practically died end of last year. Purchased at Flower Bin Linden tree, this is our third year, did just great 1st year. Last year it started out great, then all new growth stopped. Looked as tho the leaves were burnt. Purchased at Tree Farm. Look forward to your help. I understand there is a cost thank you for your help

Boulder County Colorado

Expert Response

It appears you have three independent questions.  Could you send them to us as separate emails?  

We need some better pictures.  Here are some suggestions:

Digital Photography for Plant Problem Diagnosis

In order to help us with your plant, we ask you to provide photographs of the plant. Digital pictures are
easy to submit. Here are tips to help send better pictures.
1. Get different perspectives.
• Provide a variety of pictures.
• Take pictures of the whole plant.
• Take a picture of the whole yard, including the plant.
• Take close up pictures of disease symptoms or other small features on a plant.
• On trees, take pictures of it from further away so the whole tree is seen, plus pictures of
the trunk and base of the tree as well as any problem areas.
1. Make sure the lighting is right. This may mean trying different angles and locations.
2. Make sure that the features of the plant or the plant disease are in full light, as shadows can obscure
the specimen and what you want to be seen.
3. Focus, focus, focus.
• Make sure the specimen (plant, plant symptoms) that’s seen is clear.
• To focus a cell phone camera, often times simply tapping the screen will adjust the focus
automatically. For standard point and shoot cameras, pushing the capture button down half-way will focus most cameras. If a close up is required look for the macro option on the camera, often a tulip icon or button.
4. Include a size reference.
• Depending on the size, place a coin, pencil, ruler, or yardstick next to the specimen in the photograph.
5. Take several pictures (digital film is free!) but send only the best three or four (limit four).
6. Attach your image file to an email message. Send your digital files attached in an email to <personal data hidden>
7. Include basic information about the subject of your photo in your message.
• Provide the background information about the plant
• Include: where it is growing, when symptoms were noticed, how many plants are
affected, and any other relevant details.

I'm sorry, we cannot accept samples for diagnosis at this time.  We are all working remotely.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 07, 2021, 3:02 PM EDT
Just checking the status of this. We would love to help, but all three of these plants could be going through completely different issues.

Please provide us with images of the surrounding area, the full plant, and any more closeups of the damaged portions that are different from your first 3 photos.

Are you using any fertilizers on your plants? If so, how often?

Once we see more pictures, we will be able to help you more properly.

I understand the restrictions in place make this process slow and sometimes frustrating, but we are dedicated to helping you out! 
An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 09, 2021, 12:28 PM EDT
Thanks for following up with me.  I am working on it.  Getting several photos etc.
To your question do I use fretilizer yes.  Have used organic in past, just now I have Miracle Grow.

On Jun 9, 2021, at 10:28 AM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied June 09, 2021, 3:14 PM EDT

Hello Ruth,

Just doing a quick follow up about your questions for your roses, burning bush and linden tree. I can see that as of June 9 you were working on getting more photos. That's probably still true; this system we work through pops the questions back to us after a certain period of time.

I also wanted to let you know there is no cost to you for this. A cost would be involved for having an Extension Agent come to your property for a lawn check or to look at a tree you may be having problems with. Online support is at no cost (or bringing samples to the office); however, at this time the office is closed and we're not doing lawn/tree checks on properties due to Covid restrictions.

Thank you!

Patty, CMG

An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 14, 2021, 11:54 AM EDT

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