
New landscaping in Perry Hall #754468

Asked June 07, 2021, 11:24 AM EDT

I wonder if you will help me plan landscaping around a home in Perry Hall, MD. It is almost blank, 3/4 acre lawn. I have several saplings and plants but I would like to know a pleasing layout with the addition of some privacy trees. Boxwoods surround the house that will be removed but what will I replace them with - that the deer won't eat? I would like to reduce the mowing area and plant a colorful walkway to the mailbox. If this is a project that you will take on, let me know. Oh, and at least one rain barrel!

Baltimore County Maryland

Expert Response

Unfortunately, the University of Md. Extension Service does not provide landscaping services.  You may want to ask friends, neighbors and relatives for names of reliable landscaping services, especially if you like their yards, or look online for local companies!

However, the Extension Service does strongly recommend 'conservation landscaping' or 'Bay Wise landscaping' with the specific goal of reducing pollution and improving the local environment.  And from your question it sounds like you are already headed in that direction. Some of the basic steps of this type of landscaping begins with reducing lawn area and replacing the lawn in several areas with locally native trees, shrubs and perennial plants.  Native plants are adapted to local soil and climate conditions and may require less fertilizing and watering; they are often more insect and disease resistant; and their berries provide food for the birds.

You can begin this work with your idea of a colorful walkway to the mailbox, as well as creating garden beds around some of the saplings you've planted.

Following is a link to the Md. Extension Service website pertaining to native plants which should give you some ideas.

There is a booklet available from the US Fish and Wildlife Service called "Native Plants for Wildlife Habitat and Conservation Landscaping which lists many types of native trees, shrubs and perennials for sun and shade.

It is difficult to plan a landscape if you have frequent deer visitors, but there are native plants that are deer resistant - You may also want to consider fencing a small area of your yard.  Several deer resistant trees I recommend are Hollies and Red Cedars; and a wonderful native ornamental bush that attracts butterflies, resists deer, and likes part shade is Sweet Pepperbush (Clethra ainifolia).

One last suggestion: come visit the Baltimore County Master Gardeners' Demonstration Garden at the Md. Agriculture Center and Farm Park, 1114 Shawan Road, just west of I-83.  There is a Bay Wise Garden there as well as a pollinator garden, vegetable garden and others!  The gardens are to the left of the parking area.

I hope this is helpful.  Debbie

Dear Debbie,
Thank you for your informative reply. Even though the Extension Service does not provide landscaping services, you gave me a wealth of information that will help. I look forward to visiting the Bay Wise Garden and getting ideas for the space that I have now. 

Best wishes,

On Jun 7, 2021, at 2:27 PM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied June 08, 2021, 12:05 AM EDT

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