
Tomato plant question #754437

Asked June 07, 2021, 9:56 AM EDT

I have one tomato plant where the new leaves are curled up. it looks like a fern frawn curl. is this plant diseased that I need to pull it out. I can send pictures as well. Thanks

Larimer County Colorado

Expert Response


Have you amended your garden this season using any manure compost? 

Just to confirm, this is new growth that is exhibiting these symptoms, correct? This has happened since you've planted?

Alison O'Connor, PhD Replied June 07, 2021, 1:49 PM EDT
Yes all beds had compost added to them. The tomato plants were put into the raised beds 2weeks ago with walls of water around them. 10 tomato plants and this is the only one with the top branches with this curling. Did my pictures come thru?

I had 2other seedlings from the 31 plants I started that exhibited the same thing but it was prior to planting outside. I threw those out cause did not want to chance it. 

This one looked normal when planted outside. Thanks

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On Jun 7, 2021, at 11:49 AM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied June 07, 2021, 2:58 PM EDT


If this is the only one showing these symptoms of the 10+ plants you have, I would pull it and throw it in the trash. Do not compost. Better to be safe than sorry!

OR if you want to try growing it, put it in a container. See if it grows out of the curling. 

Alison O'Connor, PhD Replied June 07, 2021, 8:57 PM EDT

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